ID SOFTWARE, All of you. ((((BUY THE GAME))), Greg Harper, Jason Byrne, God, Deu- (needs more work though). Everybody that has ever played this great game. Vanessa, you big Spunk !. BSP, DCK (great stuff), Coffee, and me.
Text File
Title : AXE8.wad
Filename : AXE8.ZIP
Version : 1
Author : Anthony Connor
Email Address :
Netmail Address : The Space Station 3:713/307
Misc. Author Info : Born 4-11-1970
I live in The Blue Mountains, Sydney Australia.
I enjoy music, FORD V8's, DOOM, Computers and
Women. :) I like to design DOOM levels.
I cannot wait for QUAKE !!!!!
Description : Ultimately a Level for the single player. BUT !!!!
Also is good for Deathmatch, and co op. Great for
4 player, although I have never played more than
two. :(
Lots of nice little spots to stand back, and
realise just how beatiful DOOM really is.
The Reason I don't add all my levels together
is because, there single levels, single ideas.
I name them AXE, because you will know there from me.
STORY : You arrive early to the Starbase
out on the far reaches of the explored Galaxy, In
sector 777. Having been sent here, to investergate
the First and only Worm hole. You are at the least
to say, excited. Unbeknowinced to you, the "Worm
hole", is really a rip in Dimentional space.
Providing a gateway to a Place that wasn't meant to
be investergated. Let alone Destroyed. !!!!!
Additional Credits to : ID SOFTWARE, All of you. ((((BUY THE GAME))),
Greg Harper, Jason Byrne, God, Deu- (needs more
work though). Everybody that has ever played this
great game. Vanessa, you big Spunk !. BSP,
DCK (great stuff), Coffee, and me.
Special Note : Hay Id software.....guys, I want to do this for a
living. :)
Other Wads by author : AXE1.wad - Ephesians, AXE2.wad, AXE3.wad.
AXE4.wad, AXE7.wad - Ode to Metallica
AXE9.wad - Soon.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01 DOOM2
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : Music from DOOM 1 e1m8
Demos Replaced : Not one Iota.
* Construction *
Base : Brand New Level, from Scratch.
Editor(s) used : DCK, DEU, BSP.
Build Time : Not as long as it used to.
Known Bugs : Slow on a 486 33
Computer Used : P133 16meg.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors (may NOT) <---- here that... MAY NOT, use this level as a base to
build additional levels. Or I will Sue. <---- Well maybe not. :-)
Please distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
If you like this level or any of my levels please tell the guys at
The TIC homepage. They have a list of cool wads.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:, but use one of there Mirrors.
BBS numbers: The Space Station BBS 3:713/307 Australia
Other: News groups : Alt Binaries DOOM
In him was life....