Text File
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Title: Wasted
Filename: Wasted.wad
Author: Charlie
Email Address: mange@inetdirect.net
Description: A no BS quality deathmatch level tweaked to perfection
Additional Credits to: Grease Lightning (Andrew Goode) and Sabo (Garret Cox)
for playtesting and starring in the demo.
*Play Information*
Level #: Doom][ level 1
difficulty levels: not implemented
Single Player: na monsters a few monsters present
Cooperative: no
Deathmatch: yes*
New Sounds: yes
New Graphics: no
New Music: yes
Demos replaced: yes (first one)
* Construction *
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.83b, Wintex, DCK, RMB, and Zennode
Known Bugs: None
to id Software: Don't abandon Doom! there will never be another
game with the primal ferocity and perfect game
balance again. A hoarde of new textures (+ the old),
new monsters, improved net/modem play, armor color
choices, big trees, pre-made 3D furniture/accesories,
a few more frames, a cheat detector, deep water,
open entry, and a grenade launcher (or something to get
players in holes) will make a completely refreshed
awesome game! Keep the fixed viewpoint...looking
up/down would ruin Doom.