id Software for making THE BEST GAMES IN THE COSMOS: DOOM and DOOM II. Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber, Anthony Burden, and Simon Oke, contributors/ developers of a great Doom editor, DETH 3.92, Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB, an excellent Reject Map editor, Jack V and the rest of the folks at Sensor Based Systems for DeePBSP.
Again, I would also like to credit Leo Martin Lim for the excellent discovery for invisible platforms which he used in a PWAD called "Dooms day of UAC" (UAC_DEAD.WAD).
A very special thank you to all the people on the Compuserve Forum for inspiration and much technical assistance (special thanks to Jim Flynn and John Anderson for PWAD hints and DETH advice).
Also much thanks to my level testers: Mike "The WAD Critic" Abbott, and Dia.
Text File
Title : "Welcome to Hell" for DOOM II, Single Player Trilogy
Author : Paul Schmitz
Email Address :
Description : The story continues... You've just fought your
way to the very gates of Hell! You're ready
to take on the Prince of Darkness now right?
Wrong! You wake up with a splitting headache,
the ripped clothes on your back, and a pistol
with 50 rounds. Sounds familiar? You bet!
But where the HELL are you?
Additional Credits to : id Software for making THE BEST GAMES IN THE COSMOS:
DOOM and DOOM II. Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber,
Anthony Burden, and Simon Oke, contributors/
developers of a great Doom editor, DETH 3.92,
Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB, an excellent Reject Map
editor, Jack V and the rest of the folks at Sensor
Based Systems for DeePBSP.
Again, I would also like to credit Leo Martin Lim
for the excellent discovery for invisible platforms
which he used in a PWAD called "Dooms day of UAC"
A very special thank you to all the people on the
Compuserve Forum for inspiration and much technical
assistance (special thanks to Jim Flynn and John
Anderson for PWAD hints and DETH advice).
Also much thanks to my level testers: Mike "The WAD
Critic" Abbott, and Dia.
* Play Information *
MAP# : MAP05 "The Hospital"
MAP06 "The Asylum"
MAP07 "Journey's End"
Doom Version : Requires DOOM II 1.9
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : ? (Starts are there)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes (All)
New Sounds : Replace MAP05 music with DOOM D_E1M2.MUS
Replace MAP06 music with DOOM II D_EVIL.MUS
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : Three new levels from scratch using MAP 05-07.
Editor(s) used : DETH 3.92 GCC version, DeeP 7.4, DeePBSP 3.2,
RMB 2.1
Bugs: : None found yet. Will fix immediately on discovery.
History: : 9/13/95 Released 1st level of WELHELL
11/7/95 Released 2nd level of WELHELL
Fixed several bugs in 1st level (minor)
12/11/95 Released "Welcome to Hell" Trilogy
06/01/96 Author address update only!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file , with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
To play this WAD, put the WAD file in your DOOM2 directory. At the command
prompt type:
doom2 -file welhell.wad -skill 4 -warp 5
Level starts at MAP 05.
* Author's Notes *
SKILL LEVEL COMPARISONS: My UV is a little tougher than the typical DOOM II
level. However, HMP is closer to the DOOM UV norm.
NOTE: You need to read WELHELL1.HNT to start the level. Otherwise you will
not get very far at all.
for help with MAP05, 06, and 07 respectively.