Those ingenious guys at id software!! To everyone who sent me e-mail on my first wad for the encouragement to start creating another wad. Special thanks to; Matt Sefton( an english chap) who put my first wad on his new web site and with whom I can share and exchange ideas , Ryan B.Smith , Tom Gibson, Brian James Clever, Ron Allen, Avery Andrews, Cheeta( who tried to help me but it hasn't registered yet), Kronos, etc.etc. Also, thanks to everyone on usenet- rec. comp. doom editing who always helped if a problem occurred. Thanks to everyone who replied to my Women DoomED where are you? post on usenet. This was a very interesting post of replies :)
Text File
Title : Crow
Filename : Crow.wad
Date : 6/21/96
Author : Kris Garrison Mougakos
Other files : Amazed2.wad
Email Address :
Misc.Author Info : Hmm...what do you want to know? I have only been editing for
2 1/2 months,, how's that?
Description : Victims' aren't we all..... The crow, my favorite movie of
all time. I started this wad out experimenting and came up with some nice special effects or illusions. I have tried to keep these illusions flowing throughout the wad, so expect the unexpected. When creating this wad, I always had the music set to use from the crow by NIN, and then searched for sound effects to use and created my limited graphics with the movie always in mind. It was constructed for single player . That's about it. Have fun!! This wad is for Doom ][ Map01.
Additional credits to : Those ingenious guys at id software!! To everyone who sent me e-mail on my first wad for the encouragement to start creating another wad. Special thanks to; Matt Sefton( an english chap) who put my first wad on his new web site and with whom I can share and exchange ideas , Ryan B.Smith , Tom Gibson, Brian James Clever, Ron Allen, Avery Andrews, Cheeta( who tried to help me but it hasn't registered yet), Kronos, etc.etc. Also, thanks to everyone on usenet- rec. comp. doom editing who always helped if a problem occurred. Thanks to everyone who replied to my Women DoomED where are you? post on usenet. This was a very interesting post of replies :)
* Play Information* Doom][ ver.1.9
Episode and level# : Map01
Single player : Yes
Coop.2-4 player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 player : No
Difficulty settings : Yes
New sounds : Yes
New graphics : Yes
New music : Yes
Demos Replaced : None
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DCK 3.4, Wintex and PSP311
Build Time : 4 weeks ( without sleeping or eating)
Known Bugs : None that I have found while testing it.
*Copyright / Permissions*
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. But please give me some credit. That would make me very happy! You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format as long as you include this file intact. Please e-mail me if you intend to include this level on any format. Doom][ is copyrighted to id software. Music: Dead Souls by NIN.