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GALAXIA.WAD (The Ultimate Czech Level)

   (112 reviews)


About This File

- This is my first creation. But I tried to avoid mistakes like too high sector, too long line, HOM, texture misalignment and such ... - It took me many hours and when I finished the level after several weeks, I didn't want to have just a few soldiers. So, this is gonna be tough. - No Cyberdemon, but several spiders. But wait! The one in the first room is here just for the story and will be killed later. All other spiders are only decorations and won't be killed. A few cacos and barons. (total: over 330 enemies) - You will be given all weapons except the BFG. - Don't believe in invulnerability. (It sucks). - There are no traps or places where you would stuck. - No puzzles, just an instant and hard action. Hey, this is DOOM! - My plan was to design an original subway area and sewers. (of course). When I started, I hadn't played a single pwad before. So I didn't steal any idea, just was not first. - THE LEVEL WAS DESIGNED FOR ONE PLAYER ONLY AS A STAND ALONE WAD. PLAY THE LEVEL AND QUIT. YOU SHOULD HAVE A FAST 486 (designed on DX2-66 VLB). - I can complete the level in about 50 minutes.

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great entertaining music, huge map

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Michael Jensen


Probably my favourite 1994 wad. While not quite up to the ID standard, Galaxia is still really creative and unique, but most importantly, entertaining. It has great atmosphere, variety of interesting environments and one of the best MIDIs to ever appear in a Doom wad. Some custom textures and sounds, and an extensive story are a nice bonus.

It also features one of the oldest uses of a voodoo doll.


Galaxia is a classic that stands out far above most other 1994 wads, and gets 5/5 for that.

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Love this adventure.

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· Edited by mdmenzel


This is a great map for its time - slaugherish at times but can be managed by a decent player.  I dislike the mandatory health/ammo pickups and the paltry armour availability (only a mega armour that I found).  I also can't stand the replacement sounds but I suppose one must keep in mind that it came from the early mapping community.

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Stale Meat


Galaxia is certainly unique among the levels released in 94. Rather than the standard fare of killing your way from start to finish in an abstract level, Galaxia offers the player a level with a clear narrative that reflects its story quite well. Your goal is simple enough; escape from the underground while wading through a sizeable enemy resistance to get to your ship waiting for you on the surface.


The level layout is simple yet meaningful. Each section is distinct and does a good job of giving you a sense of progress. Starting in a series storage houses you will find your way to a containment of Spider Masterminds, an underground rail system of sorts, winding sewage tunnels, and finally the surface where your ship awaits. The geometry is simple and a bit primitive by modern standards, but it works well enough at portraying what it sets out to do. A use of crude but fitting textures goes a long way in helping set the mood of the map. The best examples of course being the occasional scrolling announcement boards that you will come across along your way. Other textures like the cages and drainage tunnels also do well to convey the unique atmosphere. While there is an amount of strange texture alignment and even stranger texture choices, this is to be expected from the era rather than a glaring fault of the author.


As far as the difficulty of the level goes, it is certainly a rougher experience than base Doom. Giving you a shotgun right off the bat still leaves you no match for the Mastermind that descends into the starting area, and this is intentional. Common sense dictates you avoid it and the other Masterminds you find later on, but even using the provided cover it can be tricky getting out in one piece. On UV there are 300 something enemies to contend with, but only a small margin aren't cannon fodder, and all are spread quite evenly along the level. Health and Armor is somewhat scarce, with ammo only a bit less so. There are no officially tagged secrets, but there are a few hidden areas with goodies that definitely go a long way in making life more manageable. Like the Readme states, you should make it out with just enough supplies to manage against all but the "decorative" spiders, even assuming you miss a few hidden goodies. While the shotgunners can be a bane at times, it is an overall enjoyable fight from beginning to end.


The only serious gripes that someone might have is that in exchange for a narrative driven experience, the map is quite linear, so don't expect huge replay value unless you really like what it offers. The WADS second map on E1M9 is also a good deal underwhelming, being nothing more than a quick and cramped berserk punch-out in a tight ship. Not necessarily terrible, but definitely skippable.


Overall I would recommend giving Galaxia a try, as it really is one of the best of the best 1994 has to offer. If you are a sucker like I am for quasi-realistic maps that tells a narrative through the gameplay, this WAD may just be for you.

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One of my favourite 94 wads, if not my favourite. So much character and the map layout is fantastic. 

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· Edited by pulkmees


This is a pretty good map for 1994. A linear Shotgun/Plasma Rifle extravaganza, that keeps it interesting by letting you feel your speed. Favourite part was the traintrack hub fight. Music is weird, but fitting for the gameplay tempo. There are some odd texture choices, but in a map like this you don't care about that.

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Cool map. Not the prettiest map, but it mostly avoids being outright ugly, though the weird panels in the metro station are a bit questionable :D

Quite fun to play, though maybe a bit too much focus is placed on the shotgun - I didn't feel there was enough ammo to get as much use out of the chaingun and rocket launcher as I would normally like, but the sound replacement for the shotgun is actually pretty decent and makes it quite satisfying to use. The other sound replacements are ok, save for the pistol/chaingun which sounds awful.


Not hugely difficult, but there are a number of situations which presented some mild challenge - I guess the most difficult section was supposed to be the masterminds in the prison cells, unfortunately though all but two of them were stuck and couldn't shoot (played in QZDoom with Doom strict), so that was cheesed. I did pick up on the intention though with the one-time lifts as I used it to get past the two that weren't stuck, and it is a cool idea, just a shame it didn't work. Overall pretty good map.


There's also an E1M9 included, but this is just short Tyson map in some narrow corridors - maybe a nice little reality mode challenge but otherwise there's not really anything to see there.

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"i still think it's great in '07" says an old comment, 10 years have passed and it still is.

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Really good. 5 stars for me because its from 94 (!) and i really love the realistic style and ideas.

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nicolas monti

Absolute legend. Sure one of the best of 1994. Also I remember those crazy colourful panels on the sides of the metro stations when I was in Prague 10 yrs ago, so Czech to the quick. Engaging gameplay and great atmosphere. Nice new textures, the part of the sewers was well achieved and the ship at the end was pure oldschool epicness

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Unknown date

The level with the spiders? This one was one of my old favoritest single WADs. I like the music too!

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Unknown date

a classic

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Unknown date

5/5 Old time favorite, plus the subway tunnels rule!!! /StealthyIvan

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Unknown date

Holy. Shit.

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Unknown date

this was one of my favorite maps back in the day and i still think it's great in '07

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Havoc Crow

Unknown date

A lot of original ideas and memorable moments, such as the atmospheric beginning, or the frantic run down the spider hallway. Fantastic epic music and good new textures, apart from the garish purple wall (seriously?) Constantly passing into entirely new areas makes the map feel longer than it really is. The only weak part are the confusing sewers where you're denied use of the automap and the water keeps hurting you ("THERE ARE NO MAZES" my ass). Overall, highly recommended and historically significant.

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Unknown date

July 94? Unbelievable! 5/5

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Unknown date

Probably the best'94 level I have played.-5/5

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Unknown date

5/5 i was especially amused with the title screen. good work

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Unknown date

A very old map that is better than almost all modern maps. Design and gameplay are top-notch. First deliberate use of voodoo dolls too, maybe?

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Unknown date

Talk about 1994 wads, ehh!. This is one of the biggest and best from that year. Those Spider Msaterminds really gave me a scare when I first played this level. 4/5 -pc

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Unknown date


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Unknown date

This is the greatest level made in 1994, and has aged very well! Even today it is better than a lot of this t667 and community map project bullshit in recent years, I love the progression between areas of the level and I love the feeling I get when I get out of the main indoor complex to see the bright blue sky and buildings. The only problem is perhaps that the circular subway track changer room with the yellow key is too bright.

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Unknown date

And I thought there'd be no reason to play Doom 1 ever again. E1M9 is kind of an anticlimax comparatively, but the first level is righteous.

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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