Text File
Dance! (or die)
Awesome DOOM II deathmatch wad from V i S i O
Pablo Costas
Quake is out!!
ð Play Information ð
Map # : Map01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! DeathMatch wad for modem play!
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Yes, cool efects!
New Music : New music from Nine Inch Nails
New Graphics : Yes
Demos Replaced : No. Watch the deathmatch demo DANCE!.LMP for
DooM version 1.666 - ViSiO vs Bedlam
ð Construction ð
Base : None
Editor(s) used : WinDeu, Deep (Bsp Node Builder), WinTex,
SbAWE Soft & Paint Shop Pro.
Build Time : Arrgh!
Known Bugs : Desgraciadamente si :-( Cerca de la fuente que hay
en el exterior aparece un efecto de espejo. La
culpa no es mia, es del motor del DooM, que no da
para m s.
Es posible quedarse encerrado entre las escaleras,
en el sitio donde est el botiqu¡n. Aunque las
escaleras no suben si te pones all¡, hay un
determinado punto en el que te puedes quedar
encerrado. La soluci¢n es: no que te quedes ah¡ :-)
ð BetaTester Team ð
-> Richard Dadd from Bedlam Factory - almost the best deathmatch player
(behind me, of course). As betatester, he use to discover the bugs
one by one!
-> To Myself!
Special mention to Daniele 'DarkSide' Levi
ð Some words... ð
Coming soon from V i S i O & Bedlam Factory
The Quake+Sex Xperience
Quake Shareware ya est en la Internet. Asombroso. Romero y compa¤¡a
nos han hecho esperar lo suyo, pero a la vista del resultado la espera
ha merecido la pena.
DooM ha muerto
Larga vida a Quake!
ð Copyright / Permissions ð
I own the copyright, you own nothing! Leave intact!
ð Where to get this PWAD ð
In Radio Maceda BBS - 34.86.234969
Visit http://www.arrakis.es/~pcostas/wads