Text File
Title : 4 Towers Revision 2
Filename : 4TR2.WAD
Author : Jeff Larson
Email Address(es) : Carmack@k-2.com or (IN: Carmack@k-2.com),
whichever works.
Misc. Author Info : I am known as "Carmack" on the Cyberspace
Description : Deathmatch level for Doom 2, Replaces Level 1.
Credits : Beta Testers from the Cyberspace BBS are
as listed below:
Myself (Carmack)
Bad Breath
Hat Trick (Ralph Evans)
Poor Man
Any other Beta Tester I may have forgot
to include.
Thanks very much to these Beta Testers that helped me test this level
before releasing it :). Thanks also for your suggestions, they have been
valuable to me!
*Play Information*
Level : MAP01
Single Player : Considered useless :)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (Player 1-4 starts added for general purpose.
This way if you start a game in Co-op mode, Doom
II won't exit with an error. Besides, playing in
Co-op mode is just like Deathmatch 1.0).
There are no monsters to destroy.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes --> 2 player is fun, but sometimes takes a
while to find the other player. 3 and 4 player
games are much more eventful.
Difficulty Settings : Nightmare difficulty and Deathmatch II. Deathmatch
2 is important for weapons to reappear especially
if you want to have berserk fights. Turbo 130 or
150 is suggested. Use higher turbo rates incase
the level seems sluggish. Sometimes it can be
with slower CPUs' over modem connects.
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes (Status Bar graphics)
New Music : Same as the 4TOWERS.WAD music
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : A revision of my original 4TOWERS.WAD file!
Many changes were made! This level was
edited/made with Gamma Correction set at 4.
Editor(s) used : DCK (Doom Construction Kit) v2.2! The best
editor I have seen to date!
Known Bugs/Problems : Get DCK22-F.ZIP to fix frequent lock-ups in DCK
Known Functionality : DCK has some of the best tools for ease of making
levels. I have never made levels so fast. Have
to give a lot of credit to the Grid Modes since
it goes as large as 512 and as small as 2!
Thank You Ben Morris!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels without prior permission!
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include all of the
files herein this archive, 4TR2.WAD, 4TR2.TXT and FILE_ID.DIZ
with no modifications! You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include these files
intact, and only if you DO NOT try to sell it for profit or trade it
for any such consideration or monetary benefit. This WAD and its
accompanying files (listed above) are NOT to be sold commercially
without my prior written permission and consent.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites : Wherever it may have been uploaded
BBS numbers : Cyberspace BBS (714) 838-8100, (714) 559-8100
(Previously known as the K2 BBS).
Other : Wherever it may have been uploaded
Other levels made by Carmack:
4TOWERS.ZIP (4TOWERS.WAD) - Initial release of 4Towers.
KOTM.ZIP (KOTM.WAD) - King of the Mountain Deathmatch WAD.
Look for upcoming levels to be made!