Text File
Title: TvMusic
Authors: Seth Stanton & Nick Hendricks
Email: jcs21@psu.edu (Seth), GymnastNik@aol.com (Nick)
Homepage Address: http://eforest.org/bbs/stanton (Seth)
Author info: Seth has a Deion Sanders hate page coming soon!
Description: A ton of music for DOOM, all themes from TV shows
********Play Information****************
Level #: ALL
Single Player: n/a
Cooperative: n/a
Deathmatch: n/a
Difficulty: n/a
New Sounds: no
New Music: yes
New Graphics: no
New demos: no
*****How to start the music*****
Put all files in your DOOM directory. At the Doom prompt,
type doom -file tvmusic.wad
Base: a bunch of .mid files we got off of Internet.
Build Time: 4 hours
Editors used: dmmusic v.something, Midi Jukebox, midi2mus
Special Thanks to: the guy who made dmmusic, the guy who made the TV
****Other Wads by Seth********
Airplane DOOM, Sounds from the Airplane! movies
coolmusic, a totally new music atmosphere for DOOM
huladoom, the grass skirt add-on
Deion DOOM, kill Deion Sanders (what more could you ask for)
MovieMusic, theme songs from movies
Use this as a base for whatever the heck you want as long as you let
me know first
*****Contents of tvmusic.zip*****
tvmusic.txt (this file)
*****Contents of TvMusic.wad*****
All intros & other music: Looney Tunes & 3 Stooges
E1M1: Mission Impossible
E1M2: Green Acres
E1M3: Miami Vice
E1M4: Wheel of Fortune
E1M5: Animaniacs
E1M6: Mystery Science Theatre 3000
E1M7: The OJ trial theme
E1M8: The X Files
E1M9: Flintstones
E2M1: The Benny Hill Show
E2M2: Star Trek: The Next Generation
E2M3: Mork & Mindy
E2M4: The Brady Bunch
E2M5: M*a*s*h
E2M6: Popeye
E2M7: Munsters
E2M9: Tiny Toons
E3M1: The Lone Ranger
E3M2: Monty Python's Flying Circus
E3M3: Happy Days
E3M4: The Beverly Hillbillies
E3M5: Peanuts
E3M6: The Muppet Show
E3M7: Simpsons
E3M8: Rocky and Bullwinkle
E3M9: Gilligan's Island
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors