Text File
Title : AXE7 : "Fade To Black"
"An ode to Metallica".
Filename : AXE7.ZIP
Version : 2
Author : Anthony Connor.
E-Mail : aconnor@zeta.org.au
Netmail Address : THE SPACE STATION 3:713/307
Misc. Author Info : Born 4-11-1970, living in Blaxland The Blue
Mountians, Sydney, Australia. Male, has a V8 Ford,
enjoys DOOM1/2, I am sure to find Quake just as
good.....drool. Friends, women, Music from
Metallica to Frank Sinatra. I like to play the
guitar sometimes too.
Description : Ode to Metallica. I thought it might be nice to
say hello to the guys in MetallicA. Thanks for all
the great music.
STORY : As you continue to Destroy the hell spawn,
you run across this base. It seems Metallica, has
been used as another Dimesnional gate. As you begin
to explore this complex, you realise this could be
your end ! Fade to Black !
In the Immortal word of Metallica, "Seek and
Destroy." Don't forget ya Bible !!!!!!
Additional Credits to : ID Software, Myself, My Friends, My computer.
Vanessa. My God. Microwave Pizza's, hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Pizza.....aaarrgghhhhhh.....Drool. Spurt.
Other levels by author : AXE1,AXE2,AXE3,AXE4,AXE5,AXE6,AXE8,AXE9.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : DOOM2 map01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, Plenty of DM starts. All the Weapons too.
Difficulty Settings : Yes, as good as I could.
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : YES, Fade to Black - Tacky, but so are you :-)
Demos Replaced : None.
NOTE : If it is to hard, your just not ready for Quake !
But use an easier skill level.
If it is to easy. You must be a God ! Well one of
many, so don't get to excited.
* Construction *
Base : New level from my Minds eye.
Editor(s) used : DEU1, Wad1to2, BSP, The mighty DCK 2.2
Computer : Pentium 133, 16meg ram.
It runs well with this Beast. But a 486 33 might
have a bit of trouble.
Known Bugs : Yep. The Darn Doom Engine Likes to give me Visual
Plane overview errors. Well You will only get this
if you go off non Clipping around the level. Be
Forworned. :)
* Copyright / Permissions *
*********You must E-mail me and tell me what you thought.....please. *******
*****Please Note*******
Metallica, I guess is Copyrighted. So do not miss use it,
or them. My intention was not to do that. Please Forgive me almighty Lord.
So NO responsiblity will be taken for anything that be derived from any
infringement, I or anyone may create or cause, Through, natural or Unnatural
Phenomenon. BTW I did not seek Permission for the use of there Name. So I
also accept no resonsiblity for that either.
*****Thanks you. ******
Authors (may NOT) use this level as a base to build additional
levels. Doing so may make you infertile. Tests have shown !
PLEASE DO distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
Could you please inform me if any of the above is done,(except BBS).
because I just want to know. B)
If you like this level or any of my levels please tell the guys at
The TIC homepage. They have a list of cool wads.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com : But go to a mirror will you. !
BBS numbers: THE SPACE STATION BBS : 3:713/307 Australia.
Other: Alt Binaries DOOM. <-------- the Newsgroup.
My House.
....without him nothing was made that has been made.