Text File
Title : CTHDRLSE.WAD "Catedral del Espiritu Sancto"
v1.895 Special Edition
Author : Jordan J. Wales
Email Address : 102137.1604@compuserve.com
WWW URL : http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwales
Misc. Author Info : Making cathedrals for 3D games has become an
obsession for me.. (Check out CATHDRLD.ZIP in
the DUKE NUKEM 3D Library, CATHDRL1.ZIP in the
DOOM Levels Lib, and CATHDRL.ZIP in the DOOM 2
Levels Lib).
Description : La Catedral del Espiritu Sancto--- once the most
beautiful cathedral in all christendom, has been
infested with the minions of Hell. Pulled back
in time, you have been given the task of purging
the holy church so that goodness may once again
This version has _all_ ;) bugs worked out! And
now, when I say it is co-op, it is. Sorry about
that last time. This version has better implemented
dfficulty settings and is great for cooperative
play. And yes, this version has deathmatch!!!
This version also incorporates its own pallette
for some really neat special fx that enhance the
mood of the game...
Additional Credits to : = Edward T. Carroll for beta testing and comments.
= Mr. Bonus for testing and comments.
= Edwardo for testing and comments.
= QLax for testing and comments.
= PC Gamer magazine for deeming the original
= CATHDRL.WAD good enough for their Holiday
Extravaganza CD...
= id Software for you know what...
= All the guys striving to make the 'best' level
editor for DOOM, and turning out some great pro-
ducts in the process.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map 01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Sortof... you'll see what I mean...
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Oh, about 500 Hours (Spread over two years from
concept idea to realization of the dream).
Editor(s) used : = Waded 1.83b, the easiest Doom/Doom ][ editor around
= DeeP 8.xx, the hardest yet most powerful editor in
= DCK 3.1, the best mix of power and ease of use.
= Inkworks v1.1, a nifty utility for editing the
DooM pallette.
= WinTex 4.1, for merging PWADs.
= EnDoomer 1.01 for the end ASCII text screen.
= Zennode 0.98a, simply _the_ best node builder
Known Bugs : None
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may put this file on any electronic media you desire. Whatever you
do with this file, it must be distributed in its original zipped format!
Also, please notify me at 102137.1604@compuserve.com