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Title : Mini-Pak2 Wad
Filename : minipak2.wad (minipak.zip)
Author : Tom Sanner (Mr.DooM)
Email Address : mrdoom@erie.net
Web Site : http://www.erie.net/~mrdoom/
Misc. Author Info : Operator of Top 5% Web Site (see above)
Official DooM Chat Host on MSN (Wed.nights)
Member of CUE (Computer Users of Erie)
CUE H2H SIG Chairman (www.erie.net/~cue/)
Author of numerous dm wads including...
Mrdoom30 Wad, 10pak2, and the award
winning Cross Attack wad.
Also, my solo wads include Archie Wad,
Dm1-Dm2 Wad, Cue2 Wad, 3Pitsdm, and others.
Get ready for a real Frag-Fest...
Mini-Pak 2 is a fast-moving, deathmatch only, 15 level Doom2 wad. It's
also a replacement for Mini-Pak as the original 10 levels from that
wad are included here (with slight modifications) along with the five
brand new levels. A description of Mini-Pak follows...
If you're into hunting type wads then you're in the wrong place. There
just ain't nowhere to hide, anywhere! I call Mini-Pak 2 an "IYF" wad
which stands for "In Your Face" Wad. It will provide a real Frag-Fest
with 2 players so just imagine what 3 or 4 players will do (check out
the internal demos). In other words, don't stop to admire the beauty
of these levels in a deathmatch, or you're dead. Being an artist, I
took extra time to make sure that all the levels looked great and that
the textures are aligned properly. That means both vertically AND
horizontally unlike many of the wads that you'll find out there.
These levels MUST be played in "Old" Death-Match with skill level 5.
You will always start out with at least a ShotGun or Chaingun, but
more likely a SuperShotgun or Rocket Launcher. The Plazma Gun and BFG
only appear in a couple levels and are usually hard or dangerous to
reach. Sometimes you can only grab them if you DIE! The shotgun is
included in every level to enable you to use it's ammo for the Super-
Shotgun and the chainsaw is also included for the rare case that you
run out of absolutely all of your ammo.
No extra ammo or health items are included as they don't regenerate
anyway under "old" deathmatch. Armour IS included but remember, once
they're used, they're gone! That can give you an edge at the beginning
of each level though, so grab them quick if you can.
The exits are also unique as they're what I call "semi" co-operative.
Every exit can be easily accessed by a single player but the switch
and the exit door are located on opposite sides of each level. This
could make you an easy target as you run to the door. I just hate
wimps that hit the exit switch early! :)
The following is a description of each level-
1 - Simple Death- This and the following level are the smallest
and simplest of all the wads. These will loosen
you up quickly for what is to follow. Simple Death
is somewhat of a mini-version of DooM2's map 7, Dead
2 - Frenzy- Another small and simple level to whip you into a
"frenzy". Two sets of steps are at both ends of the
center fighting area which has windows that constantly
open and close to serve as cover.
3 - Tely Up- The first of the more "complicated" levels. Starting
points are in high spots and you work your way down.
The only way back up is by Teleporters.
4 - Warehouse DM- A bit larger and more cover than the 1st two levels.
Basically two rooms with crates and a ledge around
the larger room. Special deathmatch starting points
give access to the more powerful weapons (including
the BFG), if you're lucky. :)
5 - Death Star- No, nothing to do with StarWars. Just named after
the skylight in the center. Great use of height with
the sets of steps in 2 corners and lower rooms in the
other 2 corners which contain rocket launchers. Get
ready for some "air-frags"!
6 - Up 'n Down- Wide open area with 3 ledges around the entire level.
Stairs take you up while jumping takes you down.
Two switches on top ledge lower lift with Plazma gun.
7 - Clover Death- Takes place in a clover shaped cavern. The outer
areas are dark while the center with the PlazmaGun
is bright. Of course you're a sitting duck if you
attempt to grab that weapon. Includes some "surprise"
starting points.
8 - Come on Down- High starting points allow for some more mid-air
frags. Once on the ground you'll find a hill in the
center and a small open room in each corner. One of
my all-time favorite dm levels.
9 - Tely Caves- Fighting area all on one level but with unique tele-
ports that take you to 5 small caves. Lower wall to
exit any of the caves.
10- Mini Crates- A new version of one of my 10pak2 wads. This is just
a small room with crates to use as cover and 3 ledges
to use as well. One ledge is difficult to access and
has a Plazma Gun. You can also teleport to grab a BFG
but risk a telefrag death if you try it.
11- Shadow Land- Level which uses sector lighting for a great look and
in which every starting point is a "surprise" hidden
from view. Large columns supply cover in and amongst
all the shadows.
12- Quick Shot- Surprise frag level where your trigger finger better
be ready. Pop up over the stairs and be shooting as
you do. A definite Super Shotgun level.
13- Frantic- Another fast moving "frantic" level (aren't they all)
which has one center room with two smaller connected
rooms and two stairways which lead to a sniper area.
14- Dead Fall- Great final level with an open fighting area up high
in the center and completely surrounded by lower areas
as well. This level uses a GREAT effect that is super
cool. Let me just say that if you get blown out though
the windows, don't come back to life immediately.
That way you'll experience a very thrilling ride.
15- Mr.DooM Land- By far the largest of the Mini-Pak 2 levels. Mainly
an outdoor fighting area with stairs around part of
the perimeter. Also includes a cellar area, a small
building, and 3 lifts.
Additional Credits to : iDsoftware (of course) for creating DooM
and John Romero for his kind words
about my Web Site.
Ben Morris...
for his DooM editor, DCK
Cole Savage...
For his inspiring Mancer Wads
Mike Panico...
For his sky texture which I extracted
from his Pueblo2 Wad and then enhanced.
Scott Smith...
For his Minideth Wad which inspired
map 7... Mini Crates.
David Harvey...
For his Pillars Wad which inspired
map 8... Shadow Land.
Doyoon Kim...
For his Doy1 Wad which supplied the
idea behind map 10... Dead Fall
My H2H buddies for play testing Mini-Pak 2
and for making the internal demos...
Kevin, Ken, Nathan, & the rest
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map 01-15
Single Player : No (except for checking out the levels)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (ditto)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES (The only way to play DooM, Dammit!)
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented (Use Skill 5)
New Sounds : No (I like the original fx)
New Graphics : Yes (New Sky texture plus new screens
for Title, Help, Intermission, etc.)
New Music : No (Just gets in the way in DeathMatches)
Demos Replaced : All (See below, All demos from my view)
Demo 1- Two Player level 8 (Come On Down)
Demo 2- Four Player level 10 (Mini-Crates)
Demo 3- Four Player level 14 (Dead Fall)
To view the demos just load DooM & this
wad, then sit back and watch.
* Construction *
Base : All new levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : DCK, NWT, Paint Shop Pro
Known Bugs : None known of
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use these levels as a base to build additional levels
but please give me credit and let me know by e-mail.
You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
Please inform me by email if you do however.
* Where to get this WAD *
Microsoft Network (3d-action/doom/death-match)
ftp.cdrom.com (levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o)
Also at- http://www.erie.net/~mrdoom/ (My web site)
SPECIAL- Look for Mr.DooM 30 Wad which contains 30 straight
death-match levels all made by me. The levels will be mainly
very small frag-fest types all the way up to a few very
large, hunting type levels to please a wide variety of playing