Text File
AUTHOR : Scott Harper (aka. MadMax)
Email Addresses : mmax@teleport.com
AUTHOR INFO : I own my own LAN consulting company;
Novell CNE, Doom Junkie...
DESCRIPTION : Think the original Doom2 levels were hard ?? ....
You are in another WORLD now...The instant you
move, BLINDSIDE! Does it ever end ?? You probably
won't forget the name, but in case you do, do a
180 just before hitting that exit switch...
INSTRUCTIONS : DOOM2 -file blside.wad THAT'S IT !!
As stated in the Gamers+ Forum description, a 486
WILL play SLOW on lesser machines - Sorry, but
that's the 'nature of the beast'...
ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO : Where to start...
-First of all, Jim F. Flynn for many hours of
brainstorming with me, his excellent conversion
utilities, and many good ideas.
-id software for Doom & Doom2 (can we get those 1.7
patches right, guys ???)
-Playtesters : Jim F. Flynn
Dan "Stormin'" Norman
John Keary
Curtis Labansky
--Thanks Guys !
* Play Information *
Level # : Doom2, MAP01
Single Player : YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Slow (at first)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Slow (ditto...but a great DMATCH once going !)
Difficulty Settings : Yup!
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No (only Doom2 graphix - flats & walls...)
Editors/Utilities Used : DEU GCC (v. 5.2, by Raphael Quinet & Brendon Wyber)
DEUii (by Adler -Modified- DEU v.5.1)
IDBSP (ported by Ron Rossbach & Antony Suter)
MAPCONV (by Xerxes Software)
FSUBST (by Jim F. Flynn-available as DMFSUB.ZIP)
LNDFS.TXT (by Jim F. Flynn-available as DMLDEF.ZIP)
DMGRAPH.EXE (by Bill Neisius)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications, and NOT for MONEY !
Other WADS by MadMax :
DMBRND.ZIP Brundle's Revenge (Doom1)
DMCAS.ZIP Castle from Hell (Doom1)
Look for DEADLOCK in the future !