Text File
I shelled out 40 bucks! I want a nice 640x480 Doom logo.
But nooooooooo, it only comes with the NeXT veRsIoN.
Well, I toiled and toiled and hacked and worked and sweated and after weeks
and weeks of work (ok, only 5 minutes, but who's counting?), I hacked out
the logo for all to see.
Ain't it perty?
Now, on to more important ASCII information....
º Bitstream of the Eschaton º
º Sysop : DJ SKI º
º (708)705-7749 - Hayes OPTIMA 28800 v.FC º
º (708)705-7741 - USR 28800 v.Everything º
º ********************************************************* º
º * Your main source for Doom WAD files and utilities * º
º ********************************************************* º
º º
º Demos - Games - OS/2 files º
º º
Call now! And then.....call again later!
(Ok, ok, if you call reeeeeal quick, node 2 probably won't be a 28800, but
that's because USR is slow. Their service sucks. Their phone
representatives are clueless. Buy a Hayes! Buy Practical Peripherals!
Buy just about ANYTHING except USR. This rant and rave brought to you by
another unsatisfied customer.)