Text File
Satan's Altar
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Title : Satan's Altar ][
Filename : satalta2.WAD
Author : DarKSIdE (Daniele Levi)
Email Address : dlevi@lander.es
Misc. Author Info : I'm just a good guy with too free time in his hands
I'm the author of madness.wad; sataltar.wad;
danroom1.wad; danroom2.wad; satan.wad;
Description : 4 mOTherFUcKiNzSs mAPs 4 Sp, C0Op & dM. 1st map:
Sataltar 2; 2nd map: tHe fACe oF tHe EvIL mAStEr;
3rd map: fLo0D. Sataltar good 4 Sp, TFOTEM good 4
all, but the nice thing is that the map is the face
of tHa EviL mAStEr. The fIRsT time u play, do
IDBEHOLD and then A (or IDDT) to see al the fuckin'
map. Or better: launch the level from an editor, so
you'll see better the details. Flood is very very
very good 4 DM!!! And finally, the best DM WAD in
the UNIVERSE...... ARENA!!!!!!! This map is based
on another ARENA, but I've changed all the textures
and all the enemys, the position of the weapons...
In this WAD first I've putted two SP player maps,
the first easier than the second. Then, I've putted
two DM maps, the forth more complicated than the
Additional Credits to : -> John Romero
-> American McGee
-> Richard Dadd (Bedlam Factory): tHe bEsT beTa TesTeR
iN THiSs fUckIn' woRLd!! GreAt gUy!! GrEaT wAdSs (
X.wad, rated X; Bedlam.wad, amazing; Cachowad, good
4 Coop and DM; Rage.wad, very good 4 DM; RoaR.wad,
good 4 DM & Coop; Quake.wad, his best WaD). He's
WaItIng QuaKe!! And I must thank him the status bar
-> Pablo <<POV>> Costas (ViSiO): AnOThEr GrEat bEta
TesTeRr!! LoOK 4 HiS killme.wad and 4 HiS bESt WaD,
Demolition.wad!!! Ah!! Play a DM in DANCE!.wad!!
I plAyEd mY fiRSt motHErFuKinZ DeaTHmATcH wiTH him!!
-> METALLICA!! FuCk OfF! WonDeRfUl bAnD!! Fuck'em All
-> Black Sabbath!! O yes!!
-> Rage Against the Machine!! FiGhT tHe WaR, FucK thE
nOrM!! fEaR iS YOur OnLY gOd!!
-> Howard Phillip Lovecraft
-> Enrico Cecchini, for his ideas and for being a mutha
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01, MAP02, MAP03, MAP04
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes (100%)
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes (Status Bar & Titlepic: Richard Dadd)
New Music : Yes (Enter Sandman, Blitzkreig, My Friend of Misery
, Nothing Else Matters)
Demos Replaced : None (If u WanT a LmP e-MAiL mE)
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch (Well, MAP 1 based on
Sataltar, and MAP 4 based in other ARENA)
Editor(s) used : DCK 2.2 & DCK 3.61!! DEU 5.1?? No thanx!!
Known Bugs : FuCk yOu!! WhAt mOtHerFUkInZ bUg dO yA wAnT??
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
You can do what do ya want with this little wad
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS numbers:
Other: http://www.lander.es/~dlevi
[SoMe WoRDsSs]
Why ya r reading this text?? U r FucKin' cRaZy!! Go and play with this wad!!
And remember.... FigHt ThE wAr, FucK tHE nOrM! LeT thE dARkNeSsS poSSeSssS ya
sOuL!! EvIL eMpiRE!! Quake is ooouuuuttt! WhY u r StiLL ReAdinG tHiS? I though
u LikED plaYiN' dOOm! WoUld u LikE tO kNOw tHE pOweR oF tHe DarKSIdE? fEaR iS
yOuR oNLy gOd! SpEzIAl ThANx tO ViSiO 'n' Bedlam Factory. Check out this
http://www.lander.es/~dlevi (SpaNiSh -yes, Spain, 3rd world-)
http://www.arrakis.es/~pcostas/wads (SpaNisH)
http://www.arrakis.es/~bedlam (EngLIsH)
I think that this is my last mOTheRrfUckInz level 4 DOOM or DOOM II cuz I
have QuAKe. My nExt level will be 4 QUAKE!!!!!! FuCk Off!!
GoD iS a BaSsTaRd, iF tHeRE iS oNe!
NeVeR unDErStiMAtE tHe hUMaN sTUpIDItY
FIghT tHa War, FucK THa NorM
FeAR iSsS yOUr oNLy gOd!!
Tha TrUTh iS oUt ThERe
WoUld yOU liKE tO kNOw tHe POwER oF tHe DarKSIdE?