Text File
"i guarantee deathmatch fun,.. take my word for it.. i know what's good"
"Bringing you the the best in deathmatch"
File Name : ss_wads2.zip
Title : ss_sk5.wad m1 - "shoot out".wad
m2 - "Fiasco".wad
ss_sk6.wad m1 - "Hostile's Inferno".wad
m2 - "Isle of the dead".wad
other wads by author : i made the gs_killa.wad compilation for the sf gameserver,
ss-skill.wad "supershotgun-skill" s_crisis.wad
"shotgun_crisis" and mercer2.. (my only lame wad)
ss_sk3.wad and ss_sk4.wad ...each of those wads consist of
2 maps each.
Author : My real name is Ryan,.. A.K.A .."hostile" to everyone else.
Email Address : still dont know how to get one.
Misc. Author Info : 178 lb. killa whale.. 17 yr old veteran of doom2
i am the "SS-KILLA" but since i killed everyone
i decided to make wads.. next step in dooming.
been playing since doom1.. john woo fan. sick to
death of ss-map1 also known as dwango5 m1.. curse
that aikman!!
Description : ss_sk5 m1 - is a fast action dm lev.. not only great in dm
but it also looks good. m2 is a fast action dm lev
very good.
ss_sk6 m1 - fast action with lots of jumps..
i guarantee i a great dm fight. m2 - is a circle
since everyone was making circle like lev's i decided
to make my own,.. cept mines looks fancy looking
great for dm
All maps have intricate design's,... all weapons
are properly placed and all dm start's are all put
in well.
Additional Credits to : my cuz chase1 (creator of menace lev's check em' out!)
my bro fox, and to myself of course and to my lovely
girlfriend for being patient when i spent endless hour's in waded then spending
time with her. :) ..oh yeah.. to those doods who
made the kandy series.. great wads!
Shot's out to : Big Daddy, bold, bold jr, digdug, overkill, dan
geroge, hellbatz and to u other f*ckers i missed
from the gameserver.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Both wads are on m1 and m2
Single Player : took look around
Cooperative 2-4 Player : sure,.. see who can collect the most weapon's the fastest.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : yes.. Bloody good.. i guarantee.
Difficulty Settings : no..
New Sound : yes.. the plasma, death, pain, teleport and shotgun sounds.
New Graphics : yes.. replaced with a red sky.. looks killer.
Demo Replaced : No
New Music : yes.. not just any music. HEAVY METAL.. i always felt
that kinda music was good for doom. the music i put
in here not only sounds great.. but pumps you up
and makes you want to kill.
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Build Time : 4 month's planning 1 week to get all lev's on waded,.. about 7 hr's each day.
Editor(s) used : Waded v1.83 and nwt
Known Bugs : None
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: Ftp cdrom.com
BBS numbers: THE GAME SERVER (415) 333-5333, a Free multiplayer GameServer
in the 415 area. Call and check out their awesome GameConnetion.
* Enjoy! *