Text File
Immortalizer: Dimension of the Doomed v0.2 BETA 2
(C)1996 Andrew Walbert
I wish to start off by saying that this is the first BETA edition of a
work in progress. The Character Selection and Skill Selection Menu are
finished, but all skills are equal. I hope to have all of the skills
in place for the next BETA.
Table of Contents
I. The story
A. Background
B. Prelude to Destruction
II. Installation
A. Installing Immortalizer
B. System Requirements
III. Gameplay
A. The Main Menu
B. The Environment
C. Know Thy Enemy
D. Weapons
IV. Other Stuff
A. Contacting Me
B. Disclaimer
C. Improvements Over BETA 1
D. Features That Will Be Added In Future BETA's
E. Distribution Information
F. Just me rambling on about how I did this, and how I did that...
The Story
The Immortalizer was a device that our scientists had worked on during
World War II. Once perfected, this device could make any mortal man or
woman immortal. This device would have been invaluable to the war effort
had it been completed before the end of the war.
But, as the government soon realized, if the device had any unwanted
side effects, the immortals they created could turn on the officials
and scientists in charge of the project. For that reason, the device
was locked up in a highest security underground building, to be kept
secret from the rest of the world.
Prelude to Destruction:
Kept secret until now, that is. During the attacks on Earth, a few of
the surviving CyberDemons started pumping rockets into every building in
site, causing massive earthquakes in the process. One such earthquake
measured a 9.8 on the reichter scale. The ground collapsed, and left a
large hole leading down into the building where the immortalizer device
had been kept.
The Spider Masterminds gathered up several hundred demons to attack this
new outpost they had found. The first of the CyberDemons went down into
the building, and blew apart the box containing the immortalizer device.
It (the CyberDemon) walked towards the device in curiosity, and finally
went through the gate, coming out immortal. It then blew up the gate.
Now you must infiltrate the base, destroy all the demons, and find a way
to kill that immortal CyberDemon.
Installing Immortalizer:
1) UnZip the IMMBETA2.ZIP file your Doom directory
2) Run the install program by typing 'INSTALL'.
System Requirements:
4MB Ram (8MB Recommended)
386SX 33Mhz (486DX2 66Mhz Recommended)
VGA Graphics Card
MS-DOS 5.0
The Ultimate Doom v1.9
The Main Menu:
The menu is rather self explainatory, but I would like to mention something
about character selection. You can play as the weak Bill Gates, Hercules,
or the almighty Andrew Walbert. Be cautioned, however, that you will face
much greater adversaries when you elect to be Andrew Walbert.
Selecting your skill allows for an even greater diversity in game play.
The Environment:
Being as important as the base is, it has many deadly traps. The
deadliest are the many security droids roaming about. The demons didn't
destroy them, because the demons got the droids all freaked out, and they
didn't attack the demons, now they will only attack you.
The other things you will face are:
Falling Ceilings - The aftershocks of the earthquake can be a real pain.
Barrels of Toxic Waste - They had to store it all somewhere, didn't they?
Toxic Waste - Guess a few of those barrels leaked...
Know thy Enemy:
The biggest danger of all is the demons you will face. Below is a list of
them all.
Former Marine - It seems that when a marine dies, they give him some new
equipment, zombify him, and send him back into action.
Former Human - These guys are zombified sales people who were given guns.
These dudes ought to be easier to kill than the Former Marines!
Demon - Looks like a shaved gorilla, with a mouth the size of Mt. Everest.
If you don't watch it, they'll rip your fraggin' head off!
Spector - Great. Just what you needed. An invisible (nearly) monster.
Lost Soul - Dumb, tough. On fire. 'nuff said.
Cacodemon - Very ugly. Very deadly.
Baron of Hell - Looks like a giant goat with arms. This guy will hurl green
fireballs at you, doing significant damage.
* Spider Mastermind - Seems to be the brains of the whole operation. Giant
brains with chainguns. These guys are huge, with legs that could just as
easily stomp you flat as walk.
* CyberDemon - Rocket launching goliath. 'nuff said.
Note: A star (*) means that that monster may not appear, depending on the
character you play as, and the skill you choose.
Thank the lord you were given two pistols this time! Below is a list of
the various weapons you can get.
Chainsaw - Kind of fun, but it'll shake you around a lot.
Double Pistols - What you started with. These are modified to deliver
an extra punch, doing as much as seven times the damage
of a normal pistol when combined.
Pulse Shotgun - Fires two shells, automatically reloads. Those pistols
will rott away from disuse once you get your hands on this
Ultra Chaingun - This gun is great for taking out the Mastermind, but a
waste of ammo on a lesser monster, such as the Baron.
Rocket Launcher - Very useful against a monster like the CyberDemon, but,
just like with the Ultra Chaingun, it's a waste of ammo
on a lesser monster like the Baron.
Flame Spawner - This is a very cool weapon. It lets you set a small
section of the floor on fire. When you (or a monster)
touch this flame, it will go out, but doing significant
damage in the process.
The Burner - It launches a small burst of energy contained in a small
ball that will explode when it hits something. Then,
every monster in site will burst into flames from the
extreme heat.
Other Stuff
Contacting Me:
The best way to contact me is to send me e-mail.
My address is: awalbert@bigfoot.com
Also, you can visit my Web Sites at the following addresses:
You may NOT use any part of this creation, except for the music, in your
own WADs.
Improvements over BETA 1:
1) Added Former Marine to the patch. This guy is deadly in Cooperative
play, because he will replace every Marine who dies. He is just as tough
as you, and carries a Pulse Shotgun as well.
2) Implemented code for the Flame Spawner, although the graphics are not
yet in place.
3) Added all of the music for the different Characters.
4) Improved the text that you see when you quit the game. Normally, when
you get back to the DOS prompt, you see a red box with the text id wanted
in there. Well, I put my own text in it, so you should read what I have to
Features That Will Be Added In Future BETA's:
1) Hopefully, I will have the Character Selection and Skill Selection
implemented by the next BETA.
2) I hope to have a menu for selecting resolutions for the game. This will
be similar to Quake's resolution settings.
Immortalizer: Dimension of the Doomed was distributed by Intag Productions.
You may give copies of the WAD to your friends, co-workers, or whoever, BUT
you are not to charge money for this WAD (Unless you can't afford a few
cents for the disk, in which case, you need to get a real job.) Do NOT put
this WAD on any CD-ROM collection without the permission of Intag
Visit the Intag Productions web site at: http://3dgames.simplenet.com/intag/
Things I wanted to say here:
I only made one episode of levels. The episode selection was replaced with
the character selection. I made two copies of the episode and altered them
to fit the character (Different enemies, powerups, etc...) The skill menu
is a replacement for the skill level selection (If you've ever made a good
level, you'll be realizing how I adjusted the skill settings.) You should
be wondering how I changed the menus themselves right now if you havn't read
ahead, like bad little Andrew Walbert wannabies. Simple: I changed the
graphics. DUH!!
I suppose that now that I have explained how I did everything in the above
paragraph, it will make the character and skill selections seem less unique.
But, you should check out the "Building Levels for Immortalizer" document
(BUILDLEV.DOC) for complete information on building levels for Immortalizer
(What'dya think the doc was about?)