Text File
Title : SR388 - Planet 3.4 *BETA 1* ^^^^^^^^
# Good Comments : So far, none. (first release)
# Bad Comments : none. (first release)
Author : Lyndon Tremblay
Email Address : tremblay@bc.sympatico.ca
Misc. Author Info : I am 16, live in a normal house, and i like
to hack stuff. Especially DOOM. This my first
released WAD, but i have made many. LOTS.
Description : you are a marine sent to take over planet
3.4's SR388 spaceport. There are lots of
cool stuff to see and do. This is just a beta,
but mostly the levels are the only thing
that's not complete. 5 are included.
in each level, all mission objectives must be
completed. (see "SR388EP3.TXT"for detailed info)
try it out, then inform me of my work.(good?, bad?)
to install, type "sr3inst". to de-install, "sr3xinst".
Oh yeah, there are sparks after a gun shoots!
(they are cool - even my mom thinks so!)
Additional Credits to : id Software, the greg for dehacked,
raven, my brother jonathan, and my computer.
and ben morris, and Oliver Montanuay, and JASC,
for PSP. (did i spell those right?)
What it has : WEAPONS:
faster pistol! = pistol (duh) ; duh
BLAST CHAINGUN = shotgun (red) ; shotgun-like chaingun
MULTI CHAINGUN = chaingun (black) ; fast shooting chaingun
LASER BOMB CHAINGUN = rocket (green) ; shoots red laser bombs
PULSE BI-CHAINGUN = plasma (blue) ; two chainguns (laser)
MechDemon = specter (pink) ; jumps out of walls, not yet perfected, low mass
many enemies changed, (health, speed, etc.)
brown spikes (2 = upper and lower)
blue spikes (2 = upper and lower)
big blue spikes (2 = upper and lower)
ceiling lights (3 = on, off, blinking)
pipes (5 = variety)
fire (3 = red, blue, green)
and more (i can't think of them)
blue computer = computer
i can't think!
Plannable explosions! (2 = upper, lower)
Explosion Activators! (2 = upper, lower)
What it is missing : half of level 4.
levels 6 - 9
1 more weapon, maybe.
title screen.
music, maybe.
more sounds, maybe.
more changed items (health, ammo, weapons)
any more? (please tell me..)
* Play Information *
Game and version REQ. : Ultimate DOOM 1.9
Episode and Level # : Episode 3 (E3M1 - E3M5, beta)
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : SOON (a dedicated episode 2)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : SOON (a dedicated episode 1
Difficulty Settings : ya
New Music : NO, but maybe.
New Sounds : YES -
New Graphics : YES - many patches, weapons, and others.
Demos Replaced : NO, but soon.
* Construction *
Base : New project from scratch. (on a 486/33sx)
Build Time : 1 month (i think...how should i know!!)
Editor(s) used : DCK 3.62, Dehacked 3.0a, WinTex 4.1, Paint Shop
Pro 4.1 Shareware, Sound Recorder (Win95).
Known Bugs : you guys tell me. that's why its beta.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors (MAY WITH MY PERMISSION) use this project as a base to build
additional levels. (send 'em to me please)
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file
in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include these
files intact.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: werever this test file is!
BBS numbers: