Text File
The Lmp Fiddler Version 1.8
By Ryan Robinson (nebulous@qzx.com or robinson@aros.net)
Lets you modify the LMP headers to change
-Game Version
-Map Number
-Mode (Deathmatch, Altdeath, Co-op)
-Which players are present
-Player class in Hexen
Also displays stats--the most complete LMP stat program available.
This is fully supportive of both "families" of lmp's (i.e. pre and post 1.4)
You can convert between the families except where levels have changed, etc.
Usage syntax:
lmp <source file> <target file|-e|-s> <output|-heretic|-hexen (optional)>
Source file: The lmp file to modify/copy/view
Target file: The new lmp file to be created
-e: Edit--saves changes in source file
-s: view lmp stats
output : Tells where to output the stats: (doom only)
-s prn: sends to the printer
-s sometextfile.txt: writes to a text file (creates one if it doesn't
exist or appends to it if it does)
-heretic: use for heretic lmps (corrects skill & duration)
-hexen: use for hexen lmps
The default is doom.
-edit must be the second parameter
Known bugs:
If you do Ctrl-Break to end the program, the cursor doesn't
reappear... *shrug*
lmp mydemo -s prn
prints the stats of mydemo.lmp
lmp mydemo -s mydemo.txt
writes stats to mydemo.txt
lmp demo -heretic
view info about the Heretic lmp demo.lmp
lmp demo1 demo2.lmp -hexen
work on Hexen lmp demo1.lmp and save changes in demo2.lmp
lmp demo1.
view info about the Doom lmp demo1 (no extension)
lmp demo2.ext -edit -heretic
edit the Heretic lmp demo2.ext
lmp demo1 demo2
edit doom demo1.lmp and save changes in demo2.lmp
How to read stats: (Doom/Doom 2 only)
The first four movement stat cells in the table (forward, backward,
strafe, and turn) have the following format, from left to right:
1. Average Speed while executing the specified action. (50 is the
fastest possible fwd/back, 40 is the fastest possible strafe,
and 127 is the fastest possible turn--which is only achievable with
the mouse. The fastest a keyboard can turn is 5 (degrees/gametic) If
this number is high the player moves quickly and/or often.
2. Average speed while executing the specified action. If this is
not 50 for fwd/back or 40 for strafe you know the person didn't
always use the speed key, or they started and stopped running a lot.
3. Maximum speed of specified action
This will almost always be 50 for fwd/back, and 40 for strafe, if
they used the speed key, that is. Like I said, fancy mouse use
can achieve any number in the range of 1-127 in the turn category
but 5 is the fastest possible with the keyboard.
*4. Number of gametics the specified action was executed. Each gametic is
approx. equal to 1/35 of a second.
* 5. Percent of the total time the specified action was executed.
* Only 4 & 5 apply to the last 5 movement stats (straferun, circlestrafe,
fire, use, and idle).
A note about accuracy of controller, probable rank, and favorite weapon:
There is no way to be completely sure about these without actually asking
the person or watching the lmp, they are just statistical probabilities
based on the actions of the player(s). So if you are writing to a text
file, you may wish to fix the rank field. The favorite weapon field just
displays which weapon was selected most, if no weapons were selected,
the Lmp Fiddler displays "none".
Version history:
New in 1.9
-Won't scan hexen or heretic lmps for movement stats. The formats
completely different, and it's too much work to add in heretic/hexen
support :) This should have been removed way back in version 1.6 =)
(whatever movement stats it DID show for heretic and hexen lmps in
1.7-1.8 were COMPLETELY WRONG :)
-changed -edit and -stat to -e and -s
-added the ability to output to a file or the printer
-indicates the viewpoint in the stats
-fixed up this text file :)
New in 1.8 final
-Probable Rank: 0 bug fixed
New in 1.8 (only released for testing purposes)
-Better labeling of stats--you don't need to look at the help every 2
seconds to see what the numbers mean :)
-Additions to the stats: keyboard/mouse, probable winner, and favorite
-Doesn't rescan lmp for stats every time you look, just once.
-Won't rewrite the lmp unless it has been modified (now why didn't I
think of that sooner :)
New in 1.7
-Improved display for the statistics--you can now see the stats for all
four players on a single screen!
-The bug of the second player's max strafe and fwd speed always being
109 is gone :)
-Some help on stats in the program
New in 1.6 (never released)
-Stats! Including circle-strafing and strafe running, something that
other lmp stat program (I won't mention any names :) never had!
New features in 1.5
-I got rid of some of the "spaghetti code" :)
-Skill level bug fixed!
-You wont get a runtime error if you take away all the players--unless you
ask to view stats! :D
-Lame redundancies like asking if you want to change any settings are
-Speediest lmp util around <G>
New features in 1.4
-Heretic and Hexen support!
-Color and other cosmetic improvements
-Just a bunch of small improvements that make
Heretic and Hexen support possible :)
-My email address ;) )
-Minor bug fixes (i.e. on pre 1.4, episode # was where skill was supposed
to be)
In 1.3:
-You can now save changes in the original source file rather than needing
to copy to a new file every time.
-Not nearly as picky at command line parameters. You can use files with
any extension, or even ones with no extension. It automatically adds
".lmp" if no extension is given.
Just add a "." at the end of filenames for files with no extension.
-Better organized display.
-Now says skill, viewer, etc. rather than just numbers.
-Now displays duration to the hundredth of a second. Whoopee.
-Displays number of gametics
In 1.2
-Converting between pre and post 1.4 bug that I thought I fixed in 1.1
is REALLY corrected :)
In 1.1:
-MAJOR bug when converting between pre and post 1.4 families corrected
-Display of old lmp families is corrected
-Displays time and other stats
In 1.0:
-I finally give meaning to my life and create a... different kind of
lmp utility :)
I luv feedback!
Please mail if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, questions,
or comments!
robinson@aros.net or nebulous@qzx.com
Special thanks to: Id for Doom and Doom 2
Raven/Id for Heretic and Hexen
Matthew S. Fell for the Unofficial Doom Specs
Uwe Girlich for the unofficial LMP format description
Whoever invented smileys 8]
Where to get this file:
ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/utils/misc/ and mirrors
msg NeBuLoUs or NeBbY on EFnet irc.
As always, you can find this and all my latest doom stuff at:
Btw, this is free.