Text File
Title : Deathmatch Entryway
Author : Timothy Twelves
EMail Address : trix@bbs.connx.co.za
Filename : DMTRIX1.WAD
Doom Version : Doom 2 v1.666
Additional Credits : ID Software
* Description *
This is a fast paced deathmatch wad. The level is a multi-level type
wad. The levels are on top of each other, ie: you get holes in the
floor you require to jump over. The level is FAST for 3-4 player
deathmatch. For 2 players, the level might be a slightly large(Not
big), and I recommend 3 to 4 player deathmatch for the best game out
of this wad. DMTRIX1.WAD was designed to allow single player and
multi-player co-operative. All modes of play are supported (Easy,
Medium, Hard). This is definitly a wad which is worth playing.
* Level Background *
This is the first wad in my 32level single/deathmatch main wad. All wads
in the 32level WAD will be playable from most possible play-modes.
Deathmatch is the main idea behind every WAD. A deathmatch wad that
can't support monsters is probably not a good, fair deathmatch wad.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
Designed for : Deathmatch 3-4 player
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Inspired by : 3d-Level idea
Build Time : Two Days
Editor(s) used : DEEP
Auther Information : First Doom2 wad
Enjoys fast paced DM wads.
* Bugs *
Known Bugs : None, Any bugs found to trix@connx.vironix.co.za
Playtesting : Trix, Drac, Brattex, Poison, Sherlock,
Zaphod, Incognito.
Playtesting type : Single Player; 2 player Deathmatch; 3-4 player
Deathmatch. Deathmatch I; Deathmatch II;
* Copyright / Permissions *
iD Software can use this level as a base to build additional levels.
Distribute this level as much as possible, in any way. This file
[DMTRIX1.TXT] must be with the DMTRIX1.WAD file in the main archive and
my name must never be removed from this or any other file that I release.