Text File
MNCR01SP.WAD - Mancer01 Special for Doom2 DM by C. Savage
Here it is, it didn't take long, and wasn't that hard. My final
public release Doom2 Deathmatch level. It isn't a new level, but
is a remake of Mancer01.WAD. The original plans were to also
include a remake of Mancer13.WAD with this one, but they fell
through, I some how lost the remake of the level. I didn't spend
much time on this .TXT either :)
This will be my last 'public' release Doom2 Deathmatch WAD..
However, I still have my final Doom2 Deathmatch level coming
up in TeamTNT's Grievance.. Look for it, check my web site.
New features include:
* All new skill setup for all sorts of DM fun. <see below>
* Now includes all 7 weapons on new weapon setup.
* Ammo for Deathmatch 2.0 (Respawn)
* Added new areas just to add some more juice to the level.
* New texture setup, overall better looking level.
* New Deathmatch starting spots.
* There is probably some I forgot about.. you play and see! ;)
===Skill Settings=====================================================
SKILL 1 and 2 - Original Mancer01 weapon setup (no BFG9000)
with the ammo for Deathmatch 2.0
SKILL 3 - New weapon setup and DM starts, extra ammo.
SKILL 4 and 5 - New weapon setup and DM starts, OLD DEATHMATCH.
Bugs: None that I know of. Please don't bother to e-mail me if you
find any, I will NOT fix them. I bet there are a few bugs,
but I will not hold this level back just to fix them, I need
to start making some Quake levels and I really don't think
many people STILL Doom2 Deathmatch, Quake Internet Play
is really a lot funner ;) But I still like Doom2 DM...
** Copyright / Permissions **
Authors MAY NOT use MNCR01SP.WAD as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute MNCR01SP.WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute MNCR01SP.WAD in any electronic
format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this TXT intact.
You MAY include MNCR01SP.wad in any PWAD complitations, you may not
alter the level in any way except the minor change of the MAP number.