Text File
To Sysop: This file replaces the old Klaus1-1.txt and Klaus1-1.zip in the
levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l directory
Title : KlauspaK
Filename : Klaus1-1.WAD
Author : Peter Gozon a.k.a. Klaus
Email Address : gozon.2@osu.edu
Misc. Author Info : a person in Ohio who thinks that Doom is still
the best, and who is a Sophomore in
Description : a pak of all types of deathmatch levels made by
Additional Credits to : Troy Pyles a.k.a. Yort - helped me playtest
: Jeff Cross a.k.a. Stinger - taught me how to
edit and fixed some of my level problems
- Where are you?
: Mark Heekin a.k.a. Blitzkreig - gave me some
pointers - Where are you?
: The Spook - let me use some of his things from
his Doom7734.wad
: Micheal Karikas a.k.a. Wakaboy - let me use some
of his music from his wakamus.wad and taught
me how to upload
: Anthony Galica - answered some of my questions and
fixed some minor problems
: Stretton - let me use a graphic from his Trio
series that he got from Quicken5 by
Ryan Haney
: Bjoern Ahlers - took time off of his busy schedule
to fix my sky textures
: ID software - made all this possible
: people at the doom newsgroups who helped me
: various ftp sites where I got the rest of my
sound effects and music
: anyone else not mentioned who sent me an e-mail
message trying to help me out
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Doom ][ levels 1-32
Single Player : Yes, but only to get familiar
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but only for a group to get familiar
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, that is what it was designed for
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
New Sounds : Yes(just listen to 'em)
New Graphics : Yes(~60 new textures and other stuff)
New Music : Yes(all)
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : WadAuthor, Wintex, Paint Shop Pro, MSPaint,
Sound Recorder, Midi2Mus, AdobePhotoshop,
EnDoomer, WinFractint
Known Bugs : Unknown
Build Time : Way too long
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels, but they may e-mail me to get permission.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. If this is put onto any CD or Diskette, I would like a copy.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com + mirrors
BBS numbers: ?
Other: ?
Author's Note:
This is a pak of 32 deathmatch levels that I made. This pak is to
monsters are needed so that a few of the levels will work. The other ones
are there only so the game gets a little more interesting. The music volume
is not as loud as I would want it to be, so you gotta pump-up the volume.
Also, e-mail me with any suggestions or comments. If you find any of these
levels to be good, and you occasionaly use them, the only thing that I ask
is that you send me lmp's and screenshots. I need to know what works and
doesn't, plus I want to see people using my levels. I have only tested the
levels with 2 players. If anyone can use these levels with 3 or 4 players,
I want to hear how it went. I also would like a good 3 or 4 player recording
of this pak.