Text File
Here are nine new DOOM-wads designed by me, David Ottvall.
Yes, brand new levels for good old original DOOM.
And great levels they are too, I dare say, if I may.
(Please mail any comments to david@nsk.se)
How are these wads different from other wads then?
Well, they are kind of obsessive. Each in it's own way.
They follow their own logic and are all somehow restrained.
I pay attention to detail and stick to my themes.
At times, I try to be as single-minded at possible.
Lots of devious puzzles
as well as loads of action.
If you appreciate really stringent
and logically coherent level design,
then this is for you.
All my wads are one player only. (Yes, you are truly on your own.
No death-matches or cooperative games supported.)
Many of them are also quite hard, but in a fun and playable way.
The seasoned doomer will have no trouble at all.
(No more than you can hadle, anyway.)
None of my levels can be negotiated very quickly.
Often you will have to fight for every scrap of ground,
as well as search for keys and figure out small puzzles.
Each wad comes with it's own BAT-file.
Of course I could have put nine levels together to form an entire episode,
but that would have spoiled some of the fun, depriving you, the player,
from the pleasure of finding new weapons when you really need them.
It's much more fun to start out on each level with nothing
but the little pistol.
There are no truly secret secrets in any of these wads.
CREEPY. This creepy level gets worse as you proceed,
featuring ever more of DOOM's most gory textures.
Here you have to wade through a lot of blood drains.
The blood itself won't hurt you, and neither will the big blood pumps.
But the imps and other assorted fiends will.
Look out for hidden doors and switches.
BARON. Possibly the hardest of these levels.
You begin in a store room in some kind of industrial complex.
Perhaps nothing but toxic waste is produced here.
After all, the barons of hell are in charge and former humans
do a lot of the dirty work.
With so many Barons around, the level might seem too hard,
but as usual the trick is to take them out one by one.
Don't run around and call too much attention early in the game.
In the end you will access the control rooms and find a few surprises.
BLOOD. The darkest of my levels, and the earliest included
in this compilation. Just as bloody as the CREEPY level, but not as large
and not quite as gory. You find your way down winding stairs
into the darkness and discover an underground castle with a blood pit.
And as usual the only way up is down.
BITES. Hmmm... This one bites, I guess. You get the BFG straight away
because you need it to get started. Don't count on finding ammo enough
to use it on a regular basis, though. I think this one is set in a
space ship long since abandoned by it's original owners, now inhabited
and infested by other creatures entirely. Or something.
FORT. A large, complex building populated by former humans only.
There are a lot of imps and some barons as well,
but they ar all either caged or locked outdoors.
The building have twoo floors, one much higher than the other.
If you fall down, you have to find some stairs, or, if you are unlucky
and fall down in the wrong place, a lift (yes, there is one,
but it's on the outside, wich means you will have to find a ground floor
exit first) to get back up. On this level I have used fewer textures
than on any of the others. I hate unnecessary variety.
GRUVA. Kind of a sequel to FORT. You obviously start out in the same world.
But this time the action takes place underground, in the mines.
The former humans seem to have dug a lot of tunnels.
Beware of the Big Ugly Red Floating Head Things
(nobody calls them cacodemons) that rule the netherworld.
MINDBEND. What's going on here? What kind of stupid place is this?
Actually, this level is not as easy as it first might appear,
but neither as hard as it soon might seem. And despite the name,
you don't have to do any thinking if you don't want to.
Brute force will be enough. On the other hand, there is a logic
to be discovered, if you bother.
Don't get mad, get even!
(This level is really tight, tighter even than FORT.
No space wasted anywhere.)
YARD. A green marble castle with a lava-filled moat? Yes! Sort of.
Don't panic when you first step out into the open and find yourself
surrounded. And it might be wise to clear the smaller buildings
before venturing inside the main building.
Quite devilish, this one.
ROTOR. Consider this the bonus level of the bunch. Mostly about
running straight ahead along one never ending corridor,
killing anything that gets in the way. Until you run into three
spider demons, that is. Getting past them will require some clever tactics.
And that's far from the end of it, as you might have realised by then.
All these wads were designed with DCK by Ben Morris.
A great piece of software.
You may tinker with my wads and alter them in any way you like.
I do recommend anyone tempted by the idea though,
to build new levels from scratch instead. It's much more fun. Really.
You may not distribute any of my wads without including this text.
Thanks to id Software for a great game and for letting people like me
do things like this.
(And remember: There are no truly secret secrets in any of these wads.)
David Ottvall