Text File
Title : OrbQuest
Author : Richard Carlson (rcarlson@citilink.com)
Misc. Author Info : RC is a musician and artist currently
residing in the Land of Ten Thousand
Lakes. In his spare time he plays and
designs all kinds of games and collects
little toy robots, old Commodore-64
parts & softs, and books on philosophy
and mythology. He is an avid animation
buff and also has three cats, named
Scooty, Wilbur & Jinx. His goal is to
make enuf $$$ to keep on writing games
and music (and to be able to keep up
with all of the new hardware). His
dream is to create his own interactive
films/cartoons/games within the next
few years. Fortunately, he never did
"grow up", so he's blissfully unaware of
the obstacles in his way....
Other WADS by Author : Creatures of Light & Darkness* (COLD)
Wizard's Revenge (REVENGE)
The Demon Pits of DOOM** (DEMONPIT)
* NOT based on the fine Roger Zelazny book of the same name.
** DOOM wad
Description : Well, this is tough. You've got a lot of
stuff to figure out here, and a lot of
critters to deal with, too. I don't
want to spoil the fun but I will say
one thing:
Additional Credits to : Steve Rogers for topping his "Voodoo
Crusher" (see GRENDEL.WAD) concept.
His latest idea is really cool (and
funny) and is probably the strangest
thing I've seen in a HERETIC "level"
since that BALLS.WAD thingy. We are all
very fortunate that this sick, sick guy
doesn't build wads himself!
Brian Uhrig for poultry profundities.
id/Raven for "just being you"
The authors of WadAuthor for making it so
easy that a child could do it. (Well,
maybe a very smart, extremely patient and
meticulous child, but you get the point....)
Phil Burnham, creator of the impressive
WIZARD wads (I-IV), for that "neat
crossbow sound"
Release Date : 8/29/96
Version : 1.2
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : e2m1
Single Player : yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : not implemented
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : not implemented
Difficulty Settings : yes ("but it's still pretty tough")
New Sounds : yes (crossbow)
New Graphics : no (new sky in next version)
New Music : no (RC music in next version)
Demos Replaced : none
* Construction *
Base : new level from scratch
Build Time : 30+ hours
Editor : WadAuthor 1.20
Known Bugs : Runs great on a Pentium 133 with HERETIC
Level Layout : Richard Carlson
Orb Logic : Steve Rogers, Brian Uhrig
Other Technical Advice : Stefan Jerde
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels. However, due credit should be given in the .TXT file
accompanying the WAD. Especially if you rip off Steve's idea.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. However, if you include the WAD on CD or floppy disk, you
may not make _any_ kind of money from the sale of the product,
unless you send me free copies. Note that this includes the so-
called copying charges of shareware vendors.
* Where to get this WAD *
Minnesota (area code 612) BBS sites:
SPORGA 854-6909
THE VAULT 754-2229
CITY LIGHTS 639-1873