Text File
================ A New & Different PWad for HERETIC =========================
Filename(s) : wizwarsa.wad, wizwarsb.wad, wizwarsd.wad
Version : v1.0 (9/96)
Author : Richard Dale Carlson
Email Address : rcarlson@citilink.com
Other Wads by RDC : COLD (Creatures of Light & Darkness),
REVENGE (Wizard's Revenge), GRENDEL,
Description (Rules) : Up to 4 players each control one of 4 "keeps"
(castle, pyramid, iron tower & caverns) in a
pocket dimension. Each "Lord" has different
weapons, magic & minions to use while both
defending his turf (each keep holds keys or
secrets the other Lords need) and infiltrating
the keeps of the other three Lords. Although
cooperative mode is used (mainly so that the
keys work), you MAY attack other
players. Try to let your minions do the work
for you, though. It'll save on ammo. (Before
you set out from your keep, wake up your
monsters with a couple warning shots with
your weapon. You'll be suprised at their
enthusiasm, and the resulting confusion should
keep an invader busy for quite some time...
Besides, you'll be long gone by then.) Lords are
encouraged to make (& break) alliances &
treaties, assassinate or imprison other Lords
(not to worry, escape is always possible),
etc. It's "All For One" AND "Every Man For
Himself" at the same time. (ie: politics)
You must escape from D'Sparil's pocket dimension
at ALL costs and the Lord who does is instantly
proclaimed Arch Wizard Deluxe and Winner of the
NOTE: The game described above is called The BattleGame.
(wizwarsb.wad, B for BattleGame) This HERETIC
variant may not appeal to all HERETIC players, so
I've also included:
The Adventure (wizwarsa.wad), for solo or
standard cooperative mode
The Deathmatch (wizwarsd.wad), for standard
deathmatch play
Please don't use the BattleGame if you want to
play standard HERETIC solo or cooperative
modes. The monster setup will be ALL WRONG
and no challenge whatsoever.
Story : If I could write stories, I wouldn't be making
Okay, so D'Sparil collects sorcerors. You didn't
know? Well, he doesn't kill 'em all... A few
"lucky" ones are given parcels of land (vaguely
similar to their areas of origin) and allowed to
exist for the pleasure (and edification) of their
serpent master. Since their prison plane is a
pocket dimension, unconnected to the real world,
resources and mana are in short supply. Conflicts
soon arise among the Sorceror Lords. This
is the part that D'Sparil really enjoys. If things
get out of hand, D'Sparil will send Ironliches
and Maulotaurs to exterminate everything anyway.
Rarely does D'Sparil himself intervene, prefering
to watch the demise of his pets from a "safe
It is told that there is only one means of escape
from this limbo. If one of the Greater Powers DOES
show up, the gate that brought it here could be
used by anyone. The problem is, dimensional
teleportation consumes LOTS of mana. Since this
place is actually a pocket dimension of relatively
small size, there's only enough magical energy to
teleport away ONE being (usually D'Sparil or one of
the other Powers). Also, the gate location(s) are
always well hidden and guarded by the strongest of
D'Sparil's minions. One would have to be clever,
ruthless, tough, and lucky as hell to escape this
way... But no mage ever has, and D'Sparil's
evil continues, unabated... Perhaps, if you could
just find a crossbow...
Additional Credits to : Phil Burnham*
DragonLords by Jack Vance
This wad is dedicated to John Palys and Dave
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E2M1
Single Player : yes (but see above)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : yes (ditto)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : yes (ditto)
Difficulty Settings : yes
New Sounds : yes*
New Music : no
New Graphics : no
Demos Replaced : none
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Build Time : 25+ hours
Editor(s) used : WadAuthor, WinTex
Known Glitches : Mace may dissappear if spacebar is used to restart
a solo game after dying. Just restart the episode
and level from the game menu and it'll reappear
where it should be. Sorry about this.
Some texture misalignment but most won't notice
or care.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels. Go make your own level, Fred.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* X-bow sound is from Phil Burnham's classic wad, WIZARD4. You'll want all
of his WIZARD series (I-IV, as far as I've seen). They are simply the
best HERETIC pwads ever done. Get the book/cd "3D Game Alchemy": lots of
nifty idgame tools & tips, as well as all four of Phil's great HERETIC
wads! (plug)