Text File
Title þ StoneMe
File Name þ StoneMe.wad
Author þ Derek Altamirano
Email Address þ dereka@plix.com
Author Info þ Also writes software for Granite Mountain Software
Mailing Address:
839A Hwy 20E
Colville, WA 99114
Description þ This is my third serious attempt at a wad. This
wad is mainly aimed at deathmatch but can be played
single or multiplayer. The centerpiece of my level
(as always) is an upside down room. To my knowledge,
this has never been done before my Rockme.wad. (If
I'm mistaken, please let me know!)
In multiplayer or deathmatch, you must work together
to exit the level. This will keep wimps from booking ]
out the level to keep from dyin'.
Additional Credits
þ The programmers of WinDEU. This is the only editor
I have been able to get to work properly.
(I liked edmap, but it kept giving me errors in my wad.)
þ The book "Tricks of the DOOM Programming Guru's"
þ Patrick Steele -> His Quikdeth inspired me to try a
more circular deathmatch level.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # þMAP 01 for DOOM II.
Single Player þYes
Coperative 2-4Player þYes
Deathmatch 2-4Player þYes
Difficulty Settings þAll
New Sounds þNo
New Music þNo
New Graphics þYes. Try outside the nukage room
Demos Replaced þNo.
* Construction *
Base þFrom Scratch.
Build Time þAbout one and a half weeks, more or less
Editor(s) Used þWindeu, doomcad for the spiral stairs
Known Bugs þSome lighter areas by the yellow door. Couldn't find
why, but it doesn't hurt anything.
* Copyright/Permisions *
Authors May Not use this level as a base to build aditional
levels without my prior permission.
You May distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
Nov 7, 1996
OH poo, another 4 with do nothing, moral lacking, truth avoiding,
credit taking S L I C K W I L L I E!
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