Text File
Title : Shadows of Darkness
Filename : Sh_of_dk.wad
Author : Nick Gawel AKA "Meat Grinder"
Email Address :
Misc. Author Info : The four WADS in this ZIP are my 4 best.
Description : This levels has a few surprises in it, so be
Additional Credits to : Nobody.
* Play Information *
Game : Doom2
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes (You have to be GOOD to beat this on skill 5)
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No (Werking on it!)
Demos Replaced : One
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : This wad was meticulously created on DCK, the best!
º Big Word!!!!! º
Known Bugs : None
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD only with the other three and all associated text
files in ZIP format ONLY! You may put this ZIP on any type of media.
('cause if you do... you probably haven't beaten DOOM itself yet...)
1. After going through the first door, blow away the sargents and troopers
on the alcoves, but watch out, when you cross the two dead players on the
ground, two doors behind you open and two chaingunners come out.
2. Make sure you're pretty healthy when you get each key, 'cause a door or
three opens whenever you pick up a key. Here's the scoop;
BLUE KEY- 3 doors open and the sargents behind take aim. The door to the
side where you entered contains a blue sphere, but it's guarded by an imp
or 2.
YELLOW KEY- Door opens, sargents shoot. Barrel near sargents. 'nuff said.
RED KEY- Floor lowers, two troopers (+ 2 sargents skill3, +2 Chaingnrs Sk4)
3. Don't fall into the trench of water behind the blue door or else you'll
figure out why they call them Pain elementals.
4. Switch ALL swithes, I didn't make any switches which release Cyberdemons.
Yet. (heh, heh)
5. When going down steps, keep alert! Often the enemy is hard to see when it
is lower.
6. After surviving that staircase past the super shotgun, there is a spectre
at Skill 4-5