Text File
* General Information * From Japan to World Doomer!
This is for DOOM 2
Title : Christmas DOOM 2
Filename : XMAS2.WAD
Description : Single/Co-op/DM wad for DOOM II
Another brand new Level for Doom II.
Author : Yukio Ide (from Japan) *( Waizu )
Email Address : kmf@osk.threewebnet.or.jp
Misc. Author Info : I am a japanese doomer.
This PWAD is very small!!
I love "Belldandy" : I want a Goddess like you...
to be with me always!!
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM II
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : YES > My Voice!! :)
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Around 5 hours.
Editor(s) used : Waded Ver1.8b/DMAUD/DMMUS/MIDI2MUS...etc
Known Bugs : None that I know of -You tell me.
If you find any bugs or have question or comments, write to Goddess Net.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file.
* What is Goddess Net *
Goddess Net BBS in Osaka Japan. Goddess Net on-line Japan.
Goddess Net BBS, Fri-Sun 10:00 PM-2:00 AM Japanese Time, (0722)61-5413.
Along with many other D2/Heretic/Descent Levels and Editors.
* Ah! My Goddess *
Goddess is "Belldandy" & "Skuld" and "Urud". It's true!!
I love "Belldandy". She is my wife. "Belldandy" is super Goddess.
"Ah! My Goddess" is Japan ANIME. Special thanks to "Kousuke Fuzisima",
and "Koudansya".
Oh! my goddess!!
Mmmm....Love Love Love Love Love Love Love...."Belldandy"! :-)
My wife is super Goddess. Her name is "Belldandy".
I can get along with the Goddess.
* I love "Belldandy" *
She is very great!
"Belldandy" as "BERU-TYAN"
"Urud" as "ONEE-SAMA"
"Skuld" as "SUKULUDO-TYAN"
It is Goddess sister.
* Message to world doomer *( From Osaka Japan )
My name is "YUKIO IDE". *( Waizu )
How are you getting along?.
I live in Japan, and I am played "DOOM" very hard day after day.
I want on talking about the "DOOM". "DOOM" is very great!.
Now!,I am working on the new plan. It is a very good.
It is a Goddess PWAD. I am author now. About next PWAD?.
I will never forget "DOOM" as long as I live. Thank you id software.
I am sure of id software's success.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP:??????????? :-)
Other: Goddess Net(Japan),Kamome Net(Japan),PS Net(Japan),A*B Net(Japan)
Don't miss this PWAD: GODDESS1.LZH "My first PWAD"
GOD2.LZH "It's The Belldandy Doom test PWAD"
SUZUKA.LZH "The F-1 Doom. Japan GP suzuka Doom"
all of these also get in Goddess Net !!!
I love Belldandy!! :)
Let's Build DOOM and DUKE ! :-)
WWW: http://www.osk.threewebnet.or.jp/~kmf/
E-mail: kmf@osk.threewebnet.or.jp
Yukio Ide(Waizu)