Text File
Doom ][ theme readme
1. What is doom ][ theme.
2. Installation
2a. requirements
2b. Installation
3. How was it created.
4. Files list.
1. Doom 2 theme is a collection of a Windows 95 desktop elements which their pivot is Doom2.
I (LHK) did my best when creating it to ensure it would be useable, not only beutiful, and I hope
the consequence fill the bill.
2a. Requierments:
Windows 95 and Micrscoft Plus both working properly, in high-color mode.
a. Create a folder in the Themes folder (which resides in the Plus folder) named DOOM.
b. Copy all the doom ][ theme files there.
c. Copy "DOOM 2 THEME.THE" to the Plus!\Themes folder.
d. Copy LOGO.SYS to drive C root directory.
e. Copy LOGOW.SYS and LOGOS.SYS to the Widows 95 directory.
d. From the control panel, launch "desktop themes", choose DOOM 2 by LHK and press OK.
DEU32 was used to view the game's sprites and textures.
ALT-PRINTSCREEN was used to capture each sprite/texture to the clipboard.
PSP32 was used to paste and process the result images to icons, wallpaper and animation frames.
CA CRICKET PAINT was used to fine-tune some of the larger images.
MICROANGELO ANIMATOR was used to create the animated cursors.
WINTEX was used to extract WAV files from the game.
SUPER PAD was used to edit the .THE file.
Norton disk editor and PSP were used to create the nifty pallete scroll of the opening screen.
Most of the animated cursors were taken from Blade Runner theme.
CUBE ANI 9,052 12-25-96 7:49p Cube.ani
DOOMHE~1 ANI 21,948 11-06-95 12:07a Doom Help.ani
DOOMMO~1 ANI 2,508 03-02-95 7:39p Doom Move.ani
CACO ANI 13,586 12-24-96 6:40a Caco.ani
DOOMAR~1 ANI 11,070 12-17-95 5:22a Doom Arrow.ani
DOOMNE~1 ANI 2,506 03-02-95 7:56p Doom NESW.ani
DOOMSI~1 ANI 2,508 03-02-95 7:54p Doom Size NS.ani
DOOMSI~3 ANI 2,512 03-02-95 7:37p Doom Size WE.ani
DOOMSI~2 ANI 2,506 03-02-95 7:52p Doom Size NWSE.ani
DOOMBE~2 ANI 13,544 12-27-96 12:52p Doom beam2.ani
DOOMBE~1 CUR 766 07-14-95 12:00a Doom Beam.cur
DOOMCR~1 CUR 766 11-06-95 1:03a Doom Cross.cur
DOOMNO~1 CUR 766 07-14-95 12:00a Doom No.cur
DOOMPE~1 CUR 766 07-14-95 12:00a Doom Pen.cur
DOOMUP~1 CUR 766 07-14-95 12:00a Doom Up.cur
DOOMEYE ICO 28,566 12-12-96 10:25p Doom eye.ico
DEATH ICO 19,414 12-12-96 10:29p Death.ico
BARREL ICO 7,454 12-12-96 10:23p Barrel.ico
COMPUT~2 ICO 9,910 12-12-96 10:31p Computer map.ico
MEGASP~1 ICO 8,166 12-12-96 10:27p Megaspehre.ico
BARREL~1 ICO 18,354 12-12-96 10:24p Barrel Xplode.ico
DOOMWA~1 JPG 75,715 01-07-97 7:29p Doom wallpaper.jpg
LOGO SYS 129,078 01-03-97 4:13p Logo.sys
LOGOW SYS 129,078 01-02-97 11:50p logow.sys
LOGOS SYS 129,078 01-02-97 11:59p logos.sys
DOOM2B~1 THE 4,837 12-28-96 5:34a Doom2 by LhK.Theme
A TXT 0 01-08-97 3:22a a.txt
DEMOND~1 WAV 12,295 12-08-96 11:00p Demon die.wav
CUBEOP~1 WAV 12,225 12-08-96 11:01p Cube opens.wav
WOWOW WAV 11,893 12-08-96 11:00p WOWOW.WAV
BLOCKED WAV 3,954 12-08-96 11:00p Blocked.wav
PISTOL WAV 5,705 12-08-96 10:57p Pistol.wav
ELEVAT~1 WAV 8,272 12-08-96 10:58p Elevator goes.wav
SHOTGUN WAV 9,489 12-08-96 10:57p Shotgun.wav
PING! WAV 241 12-27-96 10:24p PING!.WAV
ELMUNZAI WAV 69,302 12-09-96 9:08a ELMUNZAI.WAV
GONG WAV 7,972 12-08-96 11:00p GONG.WAV
RING! WAV 2,512 12-27-96 10:25p RING!.WAV
CACODIE WAV 10,378 12-24-96 9:49p Caco die.wav
DEMONA~1 WAV 11,208 12-08-96 10:59p Demon alert.wav
SWITCH~1 WAV 6,299 12-08-96 10:58p Switch on.wav
BARONA~1 WAV 13,806 12-08-96 10:59p Baron alert.wav
DOORCL~1 WAV 13,938 12-14-96 2:23p Door closes.wav
DOOROP~1 WAV 13,872 12-14-96 2:23p Door opens.wav
TORNDE~1 WAV 10,879 12-08-96 10:59p Torn death.wav
SARGEN~1 WAV 11,139 12-08-96 10:59p Sargent alert.wav
ELEVAT~2 WAV 6,702 12-08-96 10:58p Elevator stops.wav
WEAPON~1 WAV 5,942 12-08-96 10:57p Weapon load.wav
SWITCH~2 WAV 5,447 12-08-96 10:58p Switch off.wav
49 file(s) 898,690 bytes