Text File
Mega Man X DooM ver. 1.0
By Chip Daniel, smurf15@juno.com
description: some graphics for doom replaced by ones taken from Mega Man X. Not to mention all the music replaced by Mega Man X music (eventually I plan to replace all or most of the sprites)
build time: I don't know. Who's president? (about a 2 weeks)
base: too much free time
tools: xmi2mid, mid2mus, wintex (4.2 I think), Corel screencapture, Corel photopaint that' that's that's about it
credits: people who made aforementioned tools, people who made Mega Man X (Capcom), and of course without whose participation this work might never have been possible... Me!
stuff replaced: music all levels, some graphics. That's it. No demos, no flats, no new levels. That's it, all you get till next version. Deal with it.
Game: DooM or Ultimate Doom (sorry DooM IIers)
Nooo you cannot build on this wad. I had the idea first... or at least I had the idea and the materials at hand to do it first, I'm sure other people have had the same idea and not been able to act on it. Feedback is welcome. But say it sucks and I will haunt you with hate e-mail forever!!!! HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!
Chip Daniel, Better known as BOREDOM INCARNATE
Make no mistake. Mega Man X is the property of Capcom Ltd. I did not create the graphics contained in this wad, I merely extracted them by way of screencapture from the Mega Man X PC game. They were created by the hardworking people at Capcom, please give these people their due. Thank you.�