Text File
Title : Trek
File Name: Trek.wad
Author: Moe Joe
Email Adress : c4po@aol.com
Discription : I was wondering why most of the Enterprise Doom Levels look
Really CRAPY, so I made this a small model of The
Enterprise 1701-D bridge. Look at it enjoy it. There are no
enemies.Just a model to look at.
Aditional Credits: Maker of DoomEd, id Software
* Play Info. *
Needs: The Ultimate DOOM.
Level : E2M1
Single Player: Yes
Multi player: No
New Sounds : No
New Music: No
New Graphx: Yes
Demos: None
To Play: Unzip into the doom dir and type trek.
* Construction *
Base: New Level, never seen before.
Editor used: DoomEd V 4.2
Time to build: A few hours.
Known Bugs: None that will keep you from playing.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Do whatever the hell you want with this level, but if you make it look worse
I'll rip ur head off. Hehehehehe
Distribute freely, just include all the files in the Zip.
To play the level, unzip or copy to Doom directory and type Hell, at command
line. Plus any parameters you might wanna use.
*Where to get this wad*
Well you already downloaded it, or considering downloading it because ur
looking at its txt file, so I don't need to tell you.
Keep up with what I'm up to at,