Text File
Title : Cygnus IV - Version 2.0
Author : John J. Bye (aka Spook, aka Gestalt666)
Email Address : jb54@le.ac.uk
Web Site : <http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/8666/>
Misc. Author Info : Who cares? Just play the damn game!
Description : 14 levels of hard-hitting Doom II action,
with new graphics, sound and music, and some
damned impressive scenery!
* Play Information *
Map Number : 01-14
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : Yes
Dehacked Patch : Yes
Demos Replaced : All three (see below)
* Files *
CYGNUSIV.ZIP should include the following files:
CYGNUSIV.TXT This text file. Basic information about
the game.
CYGNUSST.TXT The story behind the WAD. Just why do you
start off surrounded by enemies, and why the
hell have you only got a dum little pistol???
CYGNUSIV.WAD The Cygnus IV levels. Run using the command
CYGNUSIV.DEH A Cygnus IV dehacked patch to give the full
Cygnus IV experience! THIS FILE IS NOT NEEDED
TO PLAY THE GAME - it simply changes some of
the text you get during the game...
You will need a copy of DEHACKED to install
this patch. If you have any problems, e-mail
me on jb54@le.ac.uk...
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DCK V2.2 Level editor
BSP V1.2 Node builder
PaintShop Pro V3.11 Graphics editor
Cakewalk Apprentice Midi editor
Midi2Mus Music converter
Creative WaveStudio Sound editor
NWT Pro V1.4á WAD toolkit
WAD Compiler WAD toolkit
Dehacked V3.0a DEH editor
Known bugs : None known.
A "visplane overflow" error in the landing pads
area of the Railhead (level 8) which caused Doom
to crash has been fixed since the Beta release.
If you find any other bugs, please e-mail me to
let me know. There may be a few HOMs in places as
Cygnus IV pushes the Doom engine to its limits...
This WAD runs best under Doom II V1.9
Time Taken : About three months, on and off...
* Demo *
The demos included in V2.0 of Cygnus IV were recorded by Jason Patrick
Henry (aka King God Space). All hail to him! The demos are of levels
1 (The Park), 4 (The Treatment Plant) and 13 (The Living Maze). Thanks
again Jason for the demos, and for finding all those *@#@ing bugs!!!
If you think you can do better, then please record a LMP of your own and
e-mail me it as a ZIP file. LMPs of single levels or the whole game on any
difficulty level are welcome...
* Copyright / Permissions *
I'd rather you didn't use this as a base for other levels. But then, I
can't really stop you from ripping bits out of it for your own WADs! If
you want to do this, or to use this level in a compilation WAD, or to
convert it for Deathmatch or Co-Op use, please CONTACT ME FIRST.
You MAY distribute this WAD in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,
CD, etc) as long as you include this text file with it and e-mail me first
to let me know you're using it.
* Where to get this WAD *
How the hell did you manage to get this text file without finding
the WAD? Please e-mail me and let me know! This section always kinda
puzzled me...
or one of it's many mirror sites
My web page -
* Other Info *
Version 2.0 is a bug-fix of the original V1.0á release. Cygnus IV
was my first multi-level WAD. For all the latest news and Gestalt666
releases, visit my web site at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/8666
If you're wondering what I've been doing since the original Cygnus IV
release (way back in September '96), I've been putting together a group
of some of the best level designers in the world, the Black Star Coven.
You can find out more about us at the website...
Our first release, The Talosian Incident for Doom II, should be released
some time in late April or early May '97, so prepare yourself. If you liked
Cygnus IV, you'll LOVE The Talosian Incident...