Text File
Subject: DOOM2: Tab28 Level
Author: Michael Contorno
File: TAB28.WAD (164765 bytes)
Quality: Above Average
Size: Large
Difficulty: Hard
This level in the tab series plunges your marine into Hell as no other has
before: Fire, brimstone, and satanism are the themes here as you single
handedly (As always!) fight your way into, around, and through a demonic
stronghold in the very pits of Hell itself!
-- Summary of the level --
Levels Replaced: 01 of Doom2
Single Player: Yes
Coop 2-4 Player: Yes
Deathmatch: Yes
New Sounds: No
New Graphics: No
New Music: No
Demos: None
To play the new level, copy or unzip the file(s) to your DOOM2 directory &
doom2 -file TAB28.WAD
When DOOM2 starts, begin a new game, with a difficulty setting of your
choice, and you will be in the new level.