Text File
I advise you to read this, and blessed.txt in particular.
Blessed.txt will explain the differences between SkyMayBe and Doom.
Hints (if you get stuck) are near the end of the file.
Title : The Sky May Be
Filename : Skymaybe.exe ,skymaybe.r00, skymaybe.r01...
Author : DOUG the EAGLE and KANSAM (see kansam's trial 4!!)
Email Address : b52g@usa.net, boff@globalnet.co.uk
Misc. Author Info : There's a portrait of DOUG in a secret room. Find it!
Description : Requires Doom 1.6 or above.
This is the STRANGEST wad ever made.
Most of the action takes place in a cube
8192x8192x8192 in size..
A two-year production with more new graphics
than any other PWAD in the known galaxy.
Built using monomolecular technology in DEU!
(Grid size 4:1 is still too small [sigh])
Plot : Wyth this gunpowder shall we slaye the King...
Story : The Great God Imp has shown mercy on your soul and
cast you into the hellish pits of his virtual toybox.
Running around the garish lego buildings, you become
aware that the virtual toychest is actually running
under windows 3.11. However the mouse is broken
and the ALT and F4 keys have been removed.
You must find a way to shut down the system and end
this nightmare!
Oh, and watch out for the Great God Imp.
He may not be so kind next time He sees you.
Additional Credits
iD Software: DOOM is really rather good!
The DEU Team: Deu is very good.
Sensor Based Systems: I'll take DEEP off your hands for a fiver.
DeepBSP is quite good though.
Autodesk: Animator is the best program I have ever found.
Jens Hykkelbjerg: RMB suppliments DEEPBSP's inadequacies
Greg Tree: Dehacked is Good
Venerate its Name and Obey it in All Things
The Great God Imp: Came into my life during a game of DOOM2, for no
known reason. I have the savegame, for Doom 2.666
if anyone is interested.
Microsoft: We all need someone to complain about.
The Lovin' Spoonful: Inspired many 1996 components including the
Firmament Room with the Slopsouls.
Jefferson Airplane: Heavy inspiration for the 1997 components.
Martyn Smart: Thanks for Grounds.Wad, E1M2 in the Blessed Trainer.
Pity about that big Deathmatch level you deleted..
If you want to play Grounds as it was intended,
not in its slightly modified version under blessed,
it is available from ftp.cdrom.com.
* Play Information (Multi-Lingual) *
Episode and Level # : E1M1 + E1M2 are trainers for the Engine, E2M1 is IT!
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Perhaps
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Mmm
Difficulty Settings : Oui
New Sounds : Ja
New Graphics :-D
New Music : Da
Demos Replaced : III
Wierdness : Muchly much
Windows : Yes - there are two types of windows in this level
Scrolly : Si
Jar : Woof
Murder In the Dark : Squeak
Great God Imp : "I am the sum of all these people,
and all their knowledge. I am all-seeing.
I am everywhere and nowhere.
That has often served as a definition of God.
There is no escape."
* Construction *
Base : New level from scrotch
Build time : Two years. It began in 1995..
Level Editors used : DEU 5.21, 5.3b, Windeu/32, DCK, DoomCad, DoomEd
Edmap and DEEP (once or twice).
BSP editors used : BSP 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2xf, WinBSP, BSP/OS2, EagleBSP,
VNB 1.0, Deepbsp 1.4, 1.6. RMB.
Graphic editors used : Autodesk Animator, AAconvert, GifClip, NWT.
Paintbrush for saving the Windows screen grabs.
Deutex 1.5 and 3.6 for the texture mods.
Sound editors used : Creative Wave studio 2.0, Goldwave, Vocedit.
Jazz-16 Pocket Sound Recorder.
DMaud and NWT for the final conversions. MIDI2MUS.
Midi orchestrator for tweaking the instruments.
Operating systems used : DRDOS 6.01, Caldera OpenDOS 7.0.1 beta, Windows 3.1
and Windows 3.11. I have a win95-proof PC.
Known Bugs : This WAD reaches the limits of DOOM. I had to hand
optimise it to get it to run without crashing.
There is no known HOM and you can save the game.
There are now THREE bugs.
1. The Cyberdemon seems to die easily, it gets burnt
by its own rockets.
2. The level is now officially Too Big, and DOS may
crash when you quit the program.
2. I forgot to put rule 6 in. :-)
Miscellany : BSP/OS2 was accidentally created when I recompiled
BSP 1.2 with the wrong dos extender. EagleBSP was
a DPMI/16 nodebuilder. Didn't work any better tho'.
The three new musics are:
e1m1: stolen from DGOLDBT.
e1m2: Prokofiev's Dance of the Knights.
e2m1: Bach's Brandenburg concerto number three.
Slightly modified to make it sound under
wavetable, more like it does under adlib.
I have an all-electric version on my hard disk!
I like classical music with Doom. Try to imagine
what Bach would think if he knew about this!!
Much of this level was inspired by my favourites..
Cleimos v2, The Apocalypse, Mountain, MUD, and all
those other complete episodes out there..
I have discovered the secret of how to construct a
future-proof PC. Windows 95 is obviously the future.
A certain combination of expansion cards and you have
a system conflict that is harmless to DOS, but
destroys the Windows 95 PnP manager totally.
When the blockmap was >64k, Doom went all funny
and started overwriting bits of memory at random.
Graphics, sounds and finally code were eaten as the
game progressed. Segmentation lives!!
Another way to total windows 95 is to play Bach's
Brandenburg Concerto number three with media player.
It doesn't crash all the time, but you'd better have
the disks ready when it does!
It's the only way I know of to get a GPF in MSGSVR32.
Caldera OpenDOS is a free DOS operating system
brought to you by Digital Research, Novell and
Caldera. It is free for non-commercial use.
The name The Sky May Be was chosen because I was
experimenting with Olivier Montanuy's DEUTEX and
playing with the sky. I was trying to create a sky
720ø round, with the words "REPENT, SINNER!" written
in blood so it only appeared if you did two complete
turns. I wasn't sure if it would work (it didn't)
so it was called skymaybe 'sky (maybe)' and the name
Visit http://www.caldera.com -or- www.caldera.co.uk
Armadillo! (Darg darg DARNGG!!) ...
[excerpt from The Ballad of You and Me and Pooniel]
Visit me at http://members.tripod.com/~JPMorris
Rule 6: READ THE DOCS. OH. YOU HAVE. Repeating...
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors CAN NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, because
it WILL crash if it is made any bigger! If you have a real good idea, tell
me about it. Maybe if you port it to Quake or something...
BTW, if you REALLY like this, buy me a copy of Quake 'cos I don't have it :-)
You WILL distribute this, and you WILL include this file, with no
modifications. You WILL distribute this file in ALL electronic formats
(BBS, Diskette, CD, QIC-80, ZIP etc) and you WILL include this file intact.
You will also add the BBS/FTP name to the README file included with the
* Where to get this thing *
WWW: http://members.tripod.com/~JPMorris
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com.. Probably ftp.demon.co.uk as well too.
BBS numbers: None.
Other: Ask b52g@usa.net to send it by Email-bomb
Revision History
V1.00 - Initial release.
V1.01 - Fixes a bug in DeuSF that removed my NULL sound entries and crashed
the game when a cacodemon Purifies you.
V1.02 - Replaced the two Beavis+Butthead samples from DSW, the sound component.
Same words, but by me (highly processed).
Never knew I had such an evil-sounding voice.
Added more Things to the level.. Murder in the Dark is wicked now!
1. Remember to press the OK buttons when you find them!
2. Run backwards when firing the mine or rocket launchers to avoid 75% burns.
3. Trees CAN be destroyed.
4. The Blessing Cannon (BFG) is accessable via the red teleport column in
Murder In The Dark. You need to do some work before you get it though!
5. There is a secret panel in the Steel Cube (beyond the trees).
It looks different to the rest of the wall and allows you to get the
Mine Launcher.
6. There is a teleport to an ammo dump in Castle Crate.
7. To get to the yellow key, find the red post and press the button on it.
8. For a laugh in the final room, save the game, press CANCEL and *RUN!*