Text File
Filename : ART.ZIP
Author : Jim McFarland
Email Address : mcfarlnd@princeton.edu
Misc. Author Info : I wrote GIRLYB.WAD and PUEBLO.WAD. Check 'em out!
"Well, the deputy walks on hard nails, and the preacher rides a mount.
But nothing really matters much; it's Doom alone that counts.
And the one-eyed undertaker, he blows a futile horn:
'Come in,' she said, 'I'll give you shelter from the storm.'"
-- Bob Dylan
Yes, I am the author of GIRLY.WAD and GIRLYB.WAD, two
versions of a pornographic extravaganza filled with
hardcore sexual images. Since I unleashed that upon
the world, I decided that it was only just and right
for me to create a level adorned with some of the great
images from western art, so as to kind of weigh down the
other side of the aesthetic balance, so to speak. The
result is THE ART OF SLAUGHTER, a festival of butchery
set, at least part of the time, in a rather exclusive art
museum. Paintings by among others, Goya, David, and, of course
Bosch, provide a background for the bloody chaos of DOOM.
The paintings are priceless, so please be careful where
you aim that rocket-launcher!
Single Player : Yes (built for this)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (untested)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes. New Title-screen, pics, a few textures.
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : No (I'm including a separate demo in the ZIP file
in case anyone wants to watch me play the game
and reveal most of the secrets. It's
version 1.9, and can be run with the
[-playdemo art] command-line perameter.)
* Play Information *
Level # : This replaces MAP01 for DOOMII
Play notes: 486/66 or better is recommended. I built in on a
lap-top with 8Mgs of RAM.
It took me a couple of tries to complete the demo
at the serious difficulty level, and I know where every-
thing is. But I'm not the best player. There's sort of an
unwritten rule in WAD construction that you don't
make a secret passageway essential to completion of
the level, and this rule I have broken. But I put an
arrow of light on the floor, pointing to the entrance,
so that it isn't hard to find. The reason you need to
go through it, is that the platform in the center of
the museum won't rise high enough if you don't leap off
a ledge that that passage gives you access to. Other
than that, all I can say is, watch out. The demo shows
that it CAN be done, but it probably won't be on your
first try. Nonetheless:
This PWAD can be completed by the average
player without cheating.
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Tools(s) used : DCK v3.6 (An excellent level editor),
DMapEdit v4.0 (Some nice features here, too)
WARM Nodebuilder v1.6 (Saved my life
when others wouldn't)
Paint Shop Pro (shareware version)
WinTex 4.3 (to make the new textures)
All of these programs are tremendous, particularly
DCK and WinTex, (though DMapEdit's pretty darn good.
But you get used to a program and just feel comfortable
with it, which is why I now depend on DCK. As if anyone
cares.) They make the technical aspects
of level-construction a snap, and free folks like me, who
aren't so good at math, to concentrate on environments
and traps and nifty places to shoot from.
* Known Bugs *
Visiplane overflows were haunting the large water room, but by closing
a few strategic doors, I got them to stop. Nonetheless, my friends don't
play DOOM, so I haven't been able to submit the level to genuine play-
testing. If you find a problem, let me know.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Do whatever you want with it. The way I see it, WADs are like jokes;
you make 'em, you don't own 'em, and if they're any good, they'll get
* For New Players *
To play, unzip the ART.ZIP file in your DoomII directory, then at
the command-line enter doom2 -file art.wad
To play the demo, enter doom2 -playdemo art -file art.wad
The demo will only work if you have DoomII version 1.9