Text File
Title : Disgustipation
File name : Disgust.wad
Description : EXTREMELY INTENSE!!!!!!! This is probaly the most intense
wad you will ever play!
Additional Credits to : the makers of DeuSF,Wintex,DCK,Cool Edit and Goldwave.
id Software for DOOM2.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Map01
Single Player : Yes, actually it's a great way to practice dodgeing
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Difficulty Settings : Use Nightmare and old-deathmatch.
New Sounds : No, go get BestFX.wad it's got the best sound and gfx around.
New Music : Yes, Head Like a Hole by NiN as well as some others.
New Graphics : No, BestFX has the best sound and gfx around
Demos Replaced : No, but if you play a four player game with this wad
could you record a demo I'd love to see it!
Misc. Notes : There is no exit use a time limit when playing and play with
monsters on.
* Construction *
Base : From scratch.
Build Time : Who knows?
Editor(s) used : Paintshop Pro,Wintex,Cooledit,Goldwave and DCK.
Known Bugs : Doom2 does freaky things when it wants to but
exept for some textures that refused to align
I think the map is bug free.
*Other wads by author* : SLaYeR.wad: Very simple deathmatch level that plays a lot
better than it looks.
* The Title *
The title is the name of the secret song on Tool's Undertow album it sounded
cool and it suited the level so I used it.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may distribute these files freely on any media, provided they are
unmodified and this text file is included. If you want to use any components
of Disgust.wad please tell me what your useing.