Text File
Title : unlag666.zip
Author : Vorphalack (GrC) of The Innocent Crew
Email Address : t.moeller@rendsburg.netsurf.de
Misc. Author Info : WATCH OUR PAGES !
Member of TiC, co-author of SudTic,
TeuTic and ObTic (Obituary).
check this one out: www.geocities.com/Hollywood/2299/
Description : unleashed aggression 6(66), new (and last
done by me) deathmatchlevel for doom2
all future stuff will be for quake :)
Additional Credits to : ID, all unlag-players and
"doom tools and misc creators"
Greetinx go out to
(in alphabetically
order) : Doomieee,Langsuyar,Panza,Rabbit,Tyrell
and all other ppl who know that I've
missed them :)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes (but stupid and senseless)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (tested 2 Player/senseless)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES! (tested 2 Player)
Difficulty Settings : Yes = different weapon setup
Skill3=Skill1+Shotgun,Double Barrel,Chaingun,
Rocket Launcher
Skill4=Skill1+Skill3+Plasma Gun,BFG
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : yep 9 floors
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : very quick
Editor(s) used : DETH, BSP, NWT, ANSI, Improces
Known Bugs : Nothing
(except the lava pit flickers
sometimes on the edges .. ain't harming the
gameplay anyway)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT (!) use this level as a base to build
additional levels (episodes).
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
It may NOT be included with any other software product.
NO fee or payment may be charged or accepted for this level.
* Where to get this WAD *
TiC stuff built so far, as of today 24. November 1995:
SUDTIC.ZIP - Slaughter Until Death, Doom Episode
TEUTIC.ZIP - The Evil Unleashed, Doom Episode
OBTIC11.ZIP - Obituary, Doom 2 Episode, a lot of new stuff!
UNLAG1.ZIP - Unleashed Aggression 1-4, DM Level series, all
UNLAG2.ZIP levels done by Vorphalack.
UNLAG3.ZIP Fast paced action, well designed. Get them.
POBLA1.ZIP - Point Blank, first levels of a DM Level series,
POBLA2.ZIP done by Panza, built for fast Deathmatch,
POBLA3.ZIP well designed and great fun.
TICFLAME.ZIP - The single-released FlameThrower from ObTic.
TICKICK.ZIP - TiC's asskicker from obtic.
TICLAW.ZIP - TiC's predator claw.
TICSONIC.ZIP - TiC's sonic blaster from obtic.
TICDBPIS.ZIP - TiC's desperado double pistols.
All files are available at ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror sites.
Check out our homepage too: www.geocities.com/Hollywood/2299/