Text File
Date Finished : 7/25/97
Author : Billy Daniel
Email Address : bdaniel1@airmail.net
Other Files By Author : none yet.....
Misc. Author Info : Got shareware ver. of Duke Nukem 3d, and Duke Nukem
1 and 2, the classics. Um, I'm 12, Beavis And
Butt-Head rule, and, I think school sucks big time,
and, um, thats all i guess.
Offer : If you take a screen shot, you know that it has
those colors at the bottom, you can send the picture
to me and I can get rid of the stupid colors, just
upload the picture to me. Free of charge! Duh!
Description : You get a phone call 4 am in the morning, you pick
it up and ask "Who the hell is calling me 3 in the
morning!?", the person on the other line answers,
"This is the UAC H.Q., we've got a major problem
here, no time to tell you the story, but this
should give you a hint", you ask, "What?", he
answers, "Moon base. I have no more time to talk,
you will be teleported here in 2 minutes, good
lu..", you only hear a scream and a hissing noise.
You know what's happening, and you gotta stop 'em.
Level Description: Level 1:
This is the main enterance to the UAC Head-
quarters. Here, there is an office, storage
area, water storage room, a sun room, and the
exit area. It's best to use the shotgun with
this level, if you find the plasma gun, save
it for the next level. It's full of hell
spawns, but wait till the second level.
Level 2:
This is the living area. Here, there is a
cafeteria, freezer, and a huge hallway. This
level is overpacked with hell spawns. If you
have the plasma gun, use it! If not, good
Additional Credits to : Oliver Montanuy for Deutex
* Type of DOOM or DOOM II file*
New level WAD : Yes
Sound PWAD Only : No!
Music PWAD Only : No!!!!
Graphic Addon Only : No!!!!
Dehack Patch Only : Quit asking so many questions
.LMP Only : I said quit asking
Other : Quit it!
Required To Have In Dir : Ah, shut up!
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 1, and 2 of Doom II
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope, sorry
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Ditto
Difficulty Settings : Yes in level 1, Not implemented in level 2 though
New Sounds : No
New Music : Yes, the US anthem, and the Exorsist theme
New Graphics : Yes, the Intermission page
Demos Replaced : 1
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : A few weeks
Editor(s) used : DCK 3.62 shareware, Deutex
Known Bugs : Tutti fruity effect, you will see it in the demo
May Not Run With... : If you don't have Doom II 1.9, unzip the uachqnd,
instead of uachq, both are in uachq.zip.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
E-mail me if your gonna put my wad on a CD, tell me in the E-mail if your gonna
sell the CD for profit, and were your gonna send it out to.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com/pub