Text File
**LUCIFER 1.2**
Title :Lucifer
File List :Lucifer.wad
Author :T.J. Hiller
Email Address :TJH1134@AOL.com
Description :You are a C.I.A. agent sent to stop a group of satanist
from opening the gates of hell. Unfortunately, they
already did, and to top it off they have an arsenal for
them and the demons. Your mission, if you chose to
except it, is to stop Lusifer from coming to earth.
Additional Credits to :ID Game (for making the DOOM II)
Nic Hiller and Josh Norris (for testing)
Jason Hoffoss (for making Dmapedit)
Justin Fisher and Sams publishing (for making 3D Game
Alchemy and the Alchemy graphics library)
Novell (for wordperfect)
* Play Information *
Game :Doom ][ (I only tested in 1.9)
Map Number :1
Single Player :yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player :yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player :yes (not built for it)
Difficulty Settings :yes (a few)
New Sounds :yes
New Graphics :yes
New Music :yes (from doom E2M6)
New Demos :none
* Construction *
Base :I took a few structures from Doom II
Editor(s) used :Dmapedit (an excellent map maker)
Wintex (very handy)
Microsoft notepad, Paint, and sound recorder
Build Time :off and on, 5 months
Known Bugs :none, contact me if you find any
Unzip the three files in your Doom II directory, and type Lucifer
v1.2 I improved some side defs and tags, and also added more graphics.
I added a few more thank you's to this readme file. There is new
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact (and please notify me, I need to build up my self-esteem).