Text File
Title : Paradox Level 1 DeathMatch Section
Author : Nick Baker, aka NiGHTMARE
Email Address : 106551.1421@compuserve.com
Files included : PDOX1DM.TXT - this file
PDOX1DM.WAD - the main WAD file
Description : I was finishing the single player section of the
first level of Paradox, wondering what I should do
for the DM section, when I suddenly realised that,
with a few modifications, the single player section
would make an excellent DM level. So here it is.
If you don't like cramped, narrow passages in your
DM levels, you probably won't like this. Some of
us do though. . .
Difficulty settings change the weapons :
Skill 1 : Double ammo, no Plasma or BFG
Skill 2 : Normal ammo, no Plasma or BFG
Skill 3 : Set up for -Altdeath (respawning stuff)
Skill 4 : Normal ammo, all weapons
Skill 5 : Double ammo, all weapons
Misc Author info : Co-ordinator of the Paradox TC project.
Contributor to the Gothic DeathMatches 2 project
Contributor to the Darkening episode 1 : The
Nameless project. For info on all of these, see
the the bottom of this file.
Other files by author : As well as the projects above, I've the author of a
6 level DeathMatch WAD called Realms of Pain, which
can be found in the same place as you got this ;)
Additional Credits to : The Gothic DM 2 crew, the Darkening crew and (of
course) the Paradox guys for ideas for levels and
textures, and in some cases improving my skills :)
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 01
Single Player : Yes (to check the level out first)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes!!!
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Music : Yes (By Mark Klem)
New Graphics : Yes
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Textures either based on existing Doom 2 ones,
taken from Doom 1 or drawn from scratch.
Build Time : Lost count of how many hours it took. . .
Editor(s) used : DeeP v9.30
Paint Shop Pro v4.12
WinTex v4.3
Known Bugs : None
* Copyright / Permissions *
Please do NOT modify or use anything contained in this WAD in any
way. This is simply because this is basically a preview. Wait
until Paradox comes out. . .
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. But add the new ftp sites below when distributing...
* Where to get this WAD *
CIS Action Games Forum
* Some plugs *
-=[ PARADOX ]=-
Created by Team Paradox
An all new TC featuring :
THIRTY TWO awesome new single player/co-op levels, many with DeathMatch
sections, created by some of the most famous level designers in existence as
well as several highly skilled "newbies".
HUNDREDS of new textures!
NINE brand new weapons including flamethrowers, grenade launchers and more!
Many new, never seen before monsters!
Some heavily modified versions of existing monsters!
The possible suprise return of a classic add-on boss!
Many more new sprites, including hi-tech decorations and lights!
Brand new sound effects!
Amazing DeHacked work!
All new music by some of the best MIDI musicians!
< Q & A >
Q : When will Paradox be out?
A : HOPEFULLY early next year.
Q : So who's working on Paradox?
A : Daniel Baker - Co-ordination, sprites, levels
Nick Baker - Co-ordination, main DEH guy, sprites,
textures, levels
John Bye - Levels
Rick Clark - Levels
Robert Eckhardt - Levels
Bjorn Hermans - Levels
Ingo Kirsch - Music
Jaydee - SFX
Mark Klem - Music
Gaston Lahaut - Textures, Levels
Scott LJ - DEH Advisor
Chris Martin - Sprites(?), textures(?), levels
Rich Nagel - Music
Mike Reid - Textures, levels
Adam Windsor - Levels
Q : What can I do to help?
A : We are still looking for sprite artists and level designers.
Q : What about a website?
A : One will appear eventually. . .
Q : Anything else I should know?
A : Although several of the Paradox levels will have DM sections, there will
also be a Paradox DM sometime after Paradox appears. . .
-=[ Gothic DM 2 ]=-
Created by the Gothic Crew
An all new DM series featuring :
THIRTY TWO awesome new DeathMatch levels by some of the most famous level
designers in existence as well asseveral highly skilled "newbies".
LOTS of new textures!
Possible many new sprites!
A few brand new sound effects!
All new music by Mark Klem and David Shawn, the duo solely responsible for
the music in Memento Mori 2, STRAIN and Gothic DM 1, plus, along with Jeremey
Doyle, Requiem! Mark also did music for Memento Mori 1, and David has done
music for several Team TNT projects.
< Q & A >
Q : When will Gothic 2 be out?
A : Late this year to early next year.
Q : So who's working on Gothic 2?
A : Adelusion - Co-ordination, textures, levels
Nick Baker - Textures, levels
Ola Bjorling - Textures, levels
Rick Clark - Levels
Matt Dixon - Co-ordination Levels
Travers Dunne - Levels
Mark Klem - Levels(?), music
Chris Martin - Textures, levels
Michal Mesko - Textures(?), Levels
Malcolm Sailor - Levels
Dan Twomey - Textures, Levels
Jan Van der Veken - Levels
Q : What can I do to help?
A : If you are REALLY skilled (and I do mean REALLY skilled) at level design,
we will consider you. . .
Q : What about a website?
A : Theres' no info on Gothic DM 2 yet, but check out Adelusion's page at :
I features info on Gothic DM 1, Requiem, STRAIN and various other stuff.
Q : Anything else I should know?
A : We have the interest of a certain company run by a certain ex-iD guy <g>
-=[ The Darkening episode 1 : The Nameless Project ]=-
Created by the Darkening Crew
An all new single player/co-op series featuring :
THIRTY TWO awesome new single player/co-op levels by some of the most famous
level designers in existence as well as several highly skilled "newbies".
LOTS of new textures!
All new music by David Shaw! David is the guy responsible, along with Mark
Klem, for the music in Memento Mori 2, STRAIN and Gothic DM 1, and with Mark
Klem and Jeremy Doyle, Requiem. He has also done music for several Team TNT
< Q & A >
Q : When will the Nameless Project be out?
A : Sometime in September.
Q : Who are the people working on Gothic 2?
A : Nick Baker - Textures, levels 06 and 07
Ola Bjorling - Textures
John Bye - Level 08
Travers Dunne - Textures, levels 03, 04 and 11
Jan Van der Veken - Textures, levels 01, 02 and 05
Adam Williamson - Level 09
Adam Windsor - Level 10
Q : What can I do to help?
A : We have enough level designers, but we could with some more texture
artists and MIDI musicians
Q : What about a website?
A : Check out this early version :
Q : Anything else I should know?
A : Episode 1 is set in an invaded secret UAC base, episode 2 in a long ago
invaded alien city and episode 3 in a new dimension of Demons, Phobia.