Text File
Title : Starship Mamosa for Doom II
Filename : mamosa.wad
Authors : Construction and graphics by Steve Mullen, sound modifications by Jeff Kraus
Email Address: : smullen@prodigy.net
Author Info : We've entered the world of geekdom -- pull us back!
Description : So ... you've beaten the hoards on Earth, and have been given a promotion
and your choice of assignments. You figure the quiet of outer space
would be a nice change. While on patrol you come across a spaceship
listing in orbit around an uninhabited rock-world. You dock your
shuttlecraft, and take a look. What you find is a craft
that seems to be having some power problems. The ship's a nice one,
complete with an operational sick bay, transporter room, lounge, and a holodeck
(which seems to be a bit haywire at this point!) You begin to wander about
thinking no one's around. The bridge is empty .. engineering's empty
(but having a definate core breach) Suddenly, you see your best friend
appear out of nowhere. Just as you turn to say hi, and ask what the
hell he's doing here ...he fires on you!!!!
....let the games begin....
Additional Credits: Thanks, of course, to Id -- for making this damn fine game in the
first place.
Play Information: Feel free to e-mail me with comments and suggestions.
I think it's a pretty damn good effort!
Single Player :Sure -- but only to look at the pretty pictures
Cooperative 2-4 Player :Yes -- but why cooperate? We're here to kill!
Deathmatch 2-4 Player :Yes .. designed for deathmatch (try "Nightmare setting!")
Difficulty Settings :No
New Sounds :Yes
New Graphics :Yes (door labels, viewscreen stars)
New Music :No
Demos Replaced :None
* Construction *
Base : From scratch
Build time : Far too long (We taught ourselves as we went along)
Editor(s) used :WAD Author, WinTex, NWT, Paintbrush, and even (believe it or don't) WinWord
Known Bugs :None that I'm aware of!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this WAD as a base to build additional
levels as long as you get permission, give credit to me by name
.. and give the name of original WAD!
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file