Text File
2 Big Rooms
Authors Name: Jonathon J. Resnick
Email Address:jonres@mail.tqci.net
GAME NAME:Doom2 Hell On Earth Version 1.9
2 - 4 players: YES
2 - 4 deathmatch: YES
skills 1 -4: YES
map replacement: MAP01
Demos Replaced: YES 3player deathmatch level
New Music: YES something stupid I made up with this program called Music
New Graphics: NO
Build Time: 2 weeks
Misc Info On level
This is joust a map of 2 big deathmatch rooms nothing else, and a teleporter
on the side of a room. Nothing really good about this, but it good for death-
match, It has all weapons, and no monsters. Oh there is no exit either ether.
Authors MAY Distribute this wad to cd, disk, or any other type of format.
Austhors may NOT use this level to build additional levels.
Special Thanks for the ID Guys at ID Software for making such a grate classic.
Along With, Ultimate Doom, Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II, and Quake.