Text File
New Episode 5: Back to the Cruel!
(c) L.mR-SOFT 1996
Replacement episode for DooM!
Title : New episode 5: Back to the Cruel <- THE Partial Conversion for Doom!
Filename(s) : NEP5MAPS.WAD
Created by : L.mR-SOFT
Email address : lmuur@dlc.fi
Web Page : www.dlc.fi/~lmuur (Visit here!)
Description : You have beaten the evil Spiderdemon who
masterminded just his own invasion in the
"Thy flesh Consumed". Now invasion is over
and you are traveling back to home with your
space ship. But when you fly over the Mars
something STRONG power suck you down in
the strange valley on Mars. Look likes you
had not before seen this valley. After few
minutes you hear teleporting sounds and
awful screams of your dying men. Look likes
some intruders is penetrated in.
You must escape from this hell. Seek and disable
the source of the magnetic field which don't let
you go, and you can make your escape!
(Doom version 1.9 reconmended!)
* Information *
How to Install
1. Put all files that comes with !NEP5.ZIP in your DOOM I directory.
3. Once installing is completed, run START.BAT to start the game!
Game : Doom I v1.9 (Ultimate Doom also)
Episode and level(s) : E3M1-E3M9
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
Demos Replaced : None
Editor(s) used : DCK 3.61
Graphics Workshop
NWT 1.3
Deu 5.2
Known Bugs : None
* Some questions and answers *
If you have any questions, ideas, comments, critics, email me!
Q: This is the 5th part of trilogy, but I haven't ever seen the first 4 parts?
A: Oh.. First 4 parts are the original episodes of Ultimate Doom ;)
"Knee-Deep in the Dead", "Shores of Hell", "Inferno" and "Thy flesh Consumed".
Q: Why are you used too bad 16-colored graphics?
A: We hadn't any good 256-color Paint program while we were creating this
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may NOT use these levels as base to build additional levels.
You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette,CD, etc)
as long as you include this file intact.
Graphics and levels are original works by L.mr-SOFT and copyrighted
material by L.mr-SOFT.
* Where to get this WAD *
ftp.cdrom.com (You can get the sequel "New Episode 6" also there.)
* Future plans *
We are planning to make New Episode 7, which is final part of new episodes