Text File
9RING12 has 1.2 demos, 9RING666 has 1.666 demos.
Title : 9 Rings of Hell
Filename : 9RING12.WAD or 9RING666.WAD
Author : Pete Nilson
Email Address : pnilson@hpb.hwc.ca
Misc. Author Info :
Description : A 9-level Deathmatch episode based on
circular-shaped rooms. Meant to be
Deathmatch (1 or 2), but has both
monsters and difficulty levels, and can
be played as either single-player or
cooperative. (Single = mass carnage!)
Feedback is welcomed!
Additional Credits to : T. Welch (my DOOM partner-in-crime) and
R. Fisher for being testers/cannon
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Episode 2, all 9 levels
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but see below *
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! (what it was meant for) DM 1 or 2
Difficulty Settings : Yes, see below ** U-V is best!
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : 1,2,3 (E2M2, E2M5, E2M8)
* Construction *
Base : 9 new levels from scratch.
About a month, working intermittently.
Editor(s) used : DoomEd 2.60b
Known Bugs : None at all, and damned proud of it.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use these levels as a base to build additional
levels, just give me credit somewhere, that's all.
You may distribute this WAD (as widely as possible, please!) in
any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you
include this file intact, with no modifications to either this
file or the WAD, and if you make money off of it, pass some back
to me.
* Where to get this WAD *
Uploaded to infant2, so whatever mirrors carry it,
By request: pnilson@hpb.hwc.ca
* Cooperative player mode - On Level 1, if you all go out to
fight, someone will have to die to get back to the exit. Sorry.
** Difficulty settings - they may seem insane on single-player
(especially Ultra-Violence), considering how much limited ammo is
given, but they all can be finished, without cheating, with what
there is. Watch the demos.�