Text File
Title : Wild World V.1 (for Doom ][ Only!)
Filename : Wildwrld.Wad
Author : Aaron Hansen
Written : 8:21 PM 6/9/96
Text File edited,
How-To.txt added,
and usebakup.bat added : 8:46 PM 11/18/96
Misc. Author Info : I know how to make Doom][ levels, which is a good
Memory needed for
all files : 987,303 bytes. (12,697 bytes less then 1 megabyte)
Memory needed for all
files but Wildwrld.bak
and UseBakup.bat : 606,301 bytes.
*NOTE* : Read HOW-TO.txt after unzipping to figure out how
to make it playable. Sorry if it's a bit confuzing,
I wish I could do better, but anyone who knows
something about directories and editing .ini files
should have no problem. :)
Files Included : Dehacked.Exe
*Wildwrld.Txt (What You're reading)
* = If you run Wildwrld with the batch file, you
don't have to have these to run it.
Others needed!!
IMPORTANT #1 : Always load Wild Word with the batch file
(Don't have to, but should!)
IMPORTANT #2 : If something's wrong, go into the batch file or
the Dehacked.ini file. What's wrong MIGHT be there.
IMPORTANT #3 : If you run Wildwrld without the batch file, you'll
have to manually insert the guns into Doom2 with
the Dehacked.Exe file, and then change it back to
normal when you're done.
Description : This wad was designed to try to be a single player,
a coop, and a deathmatch wad (Try playing
deathmatch on skill 4 or 5! FUN!). It's my first
wad too let out into reality, but I've made wads
before this, just never let them out, so I know how
to make some cool Doom2 stuff. I tried to make
every type of background, so if you like wooden
walls, dead bodies all over, computeristic chaos,
or dark, creepy rooms, expect it to be in there
I'm not going to tell you about any specific parts
of the level, because I think it's more fun if you
find them out when you play the level yourself.
I left out four lower textures for special effects.
Whadever ya' do, DON'T FILL EM' IN! Thank you.
Try to find all the secrets. If my level's too
hard, find some secrets. They will make life
easier. If it's too hard still, put it on the
easiest difficulty. If it's still to hard, type
-nomonsters at the dos prompt. If it's still too
hard, put on the cheat code I-D-D-Q-D. But what I
started this paragraph in the first place is too
tell you to try to find all the secrets. There's
about eleventeen thousand of them. And if you're
still wondering how much eleventeen is, I don't
have a clue, cause' it's probably not a number.
Secret!! : For the those who like a challenge, try to find the
secret exit! You can only do it on a certain
difficulty. If you find it without any sissy
cheating, congrats! When you exit this way, you
start over for the real exit, but you'll feel
good about yourself. If you find this exit, go
ahead and cheat. See if I care! Try to find out how
I made you start over on the same level. It's cool!
In fact, it's so hard to find, I can't even get it
using codes! But it's possible. I've gotten it
Modem info : If you play this level coop, it's impossible to get
100% kills, 100% secrets, and 100% items, and the
super secret exit. If you play deathmatch, you
can't exit, nor find the super secret exit. If you
want to do cool stuff, do it alone. I didn't plan
the level this way, it just turned out like that.
Plot : You're mysteriously lost in a different world,
where rivers run red, human's are replaced by imps,
and they're always in the mood to kill. Waking
up from unconsciencness in a cell of some kind.
You don't know how you got there, and you don't
know how to get out. Then a key drops through the
cieling. You hear some growls, and a hand comes
down through the cieling, reaching for something,
obviously the key. You take the key, And an alarm
goes off that very moment. You gotta get outta
there! The key fits into the door. You open it.
A blood red fireball comes zipping towards you!!
Additional Credits to : The Id guys and the deu team, for making the editor
that I used, (the only editor that accually
worked!) and Miah Brownlee, for working on a song
for my level. My good, nice, friendly, encuraging,
thoughtful, kind friends Joe Brownlee, and Jacob
Wood for making me the Doom freak that I am today.
My dad for getting this rad computer, my mom for,
uh, um, er, making me exist, my brain for thinking
up this neato level, my feet for carrying me to the
computer every day, my hands for letting me type,
my computer, Matt William for making a base for my
TEXT file, not wad (sorry, not an insult, your
level's real cool.) and a pig. Kind of.
* Play Information *
Level # : Map01, Map02, & Map03
(light of Day) (Stairway to Hell) (Redstar)
for Doom][ only.
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes (HUGE differences between the skill levels)
New Sounds : No (I wish)
New Graphics : No (I wish)
New Music : No (Good idea: turn to your favorite radio
station, cd or tape, and turn the Doom2
music all the way down, and the sound
effects down a little)
New Weapons : Yes was: rocket launcher plasma gun
now: napalm gun flamethrower
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch, and this text file's base
is from Matt William's "Epic" text file.
Build Time : A tiny bit more than a couple hours. As in
my whole stinkin' summer vacation!
Editor(s) used : Windeu 32, version 5.24
Known Bugs : None that I know of, but don't Email me if you see
one. (you know those others that tell you to Email
if you see one? Not me! But, of course, one has to
show up, right? Yep! Perfectly normal luck.)
Finished : 6:12 PM 6/14/96
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels. If you want, be very very very very nice, and show
me what your new level looks like if you used this level
as a base. Thank you.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file.
You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
*Tips, secrets, n' other goodies*
______ _ ____ _______
To get the secret exit, [______], then just [_] and [____] the [_______].
Then go back and the secret exit's right in front of you!
(You think I'm tellin' anyone where it is?)
level 1: The light of day
It depends on what difficulty you set it to when you play to determine where
the red key is.
On Easy: In the big red room next to the blood fall in the back of the room
On Medium: In the big red room across the hopping pads
On hard: In the big red room where the cyberdemon (CYBERDEMON?!?!?)
is in the lava.
The blue key: in front of you when you start
The BFG: No where
The flamethrower: when you're at the end of the invisible stairs, where you
jump right? You know! Where the two red flames are facing right at the top of
the invisible stairs in the pitch black room where no monsters are? If face
the two red flames, and just WALK of the right side of the invisible stairs
you MIGHT get it. Or outside? The last room? When you exit the hall you go
outside and see the torches? RIGHT when you exit go RIGHT. you'll see an
entrance into the middle of the torches. You'll be teleported somewhere. Keep
walking forward, with the torches. You'll see a wall. Go through it. Take
a right, up some stairs, and BLAMO! PYRO-TIME! To confusing? Oh.. oops,
The napalm gun: Remember the invisible stairs? Halfway up, take a left. Just
leap off. But before you jump, you should see an entrance. Jump there. If
there is no entrance, you're standing in the wrong spot.
I'm stuck in a hall: just shoot the right wall with a chaingun, shotgun, or
a pistol. You'll make some new freinds right behind you, but the entrance
will open up.
Level 2: Stairway to hell
The red key: is in the big brick room with windows all over.
The yellow key: search around in the room with the yellow door.
The fire room: When you get close to fire, you get hurt a little. When you
step in it you get hurt a lot. Be careful.
Level 3: Redstar
Jump: At the very beginning, you can jump left, straight, or right to gain
invisibility, beserkieness, or a computer map. If you don't make a jump,
you'll have to find a way back up to the beginning to try again. But, mabye
there isn't a way back up... *doo doo doo doo...*
The maze: It's small, but can confuze. Just find the red key in it, then look
on the auto map. In the maze one of the lines are thicker then the others.
(With a partially close up view, southwest {Bottom-left} corner of the maze)
That's where the stairs are to the walls of the maze. Hop from platform to
platform till' you get to the other side of the room. You'll see a red door
and a yellow door.
the yellow key: Past the red door and down some huge stairs, you'll see a
Hell Baron in front of you. Kill him, with his buddies the four chaingun
guys. Behind the dead body of the Hell Baron that you killed is the key.
Depending on where the Hell Baron died, the key might be hidden behind the
dead Hell Baron body, but mabye not.
The blue key room jump: After the clone room (oh boy! A clone room!) You
find the blue key. Open the blue door, go through a hall, find another blue
door. Open it. A drop! Don't drop! It goes back a way. Just use sidestep a
little, and jump to the left. You'll land on a very thin ledge. open the
blue door there and you're done! That is, if you can beat the hidden imp
there... *doo doo doo doo...*
The exit: Just press the spacebar on it. (Can't... find... spacebar...)