Text File
KILLDEMO.EXE v1.0 September 19, 1994
With the advent of Doom v1.666, the Incorrect Demo Version error has been
an increasing problem with PWADs.
Killdemo is a quick effiecient way of removing ALL demos from PWADs. The
usage of the program is:
usage: KILLDEMO.EXE <source> <target>
<source>: PWAD to containing DEMOS to be stripped.
<target>: Name of new file. Defaults to TMP.WAD if left blank.
This program will ONLY work with PWADs, and will not change the PWAD in
any way other than removing the DEMO resources and wad directory entries for
the DEMOS.
The program is extremely fast and dynamically allocates memory as it is
needed. This means that the program will work with any size PWADs, as long
as you have enough free memory to allocate. Killdemo has been tested with
PWADs as big as 10MB containing around 2000 directory entries. The amount
of time that this program takes to process a PWAD will vary from machine to
machine, but KILLDEMO will run almost as fast as the DOS copy command.
Although KILLDEMO.EXE has been well tested, the author of KILLDEMO.EXE
will NOT be held liable for any damage or loss of data resulting from
the use of the program.
Thanks to:
Matt Fell <mfell@aol.com> for writting DMSPEC13.TXT
Jeff Baker <> for beta testing and debugging.
Mike Collins <mcollins@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu> for beta testing and some
helpfull ideas.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this program, please feel
free to contact me via Email.
Paul T. Hermann <hermann@poly-eng.uakron.edu>