Text File
Title : Spectre Deathmatch Levels
Filename : SPECTRE8.WAD
Author : fUnKyMoNk; AKA, Steve Noonan
Email Address : mrfunkymonk@geocities.com
URL : http://members.tripod.com/~mrfunkymonk/
Description : Eight deathmatch levels made my me. I will
: continue the series over time. SpectreX.wad will
: have X amount of levels. These levels are worth
: the download, they are not a bunch of crappy
: levels made over the weekend.
Additional Credits to : DCK guy(s) and id
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM II
Episode and Level # : Map01 - 08
Single Player : Yup, to check it out
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : Yes *NEW*
New Graphics : Yes *NEW*
New Music : Yes, all levels
Demos Replaced : DEMO1
* Short Descriptions *
Map01 - One of my best levels ever. An outside arena surrounded by a
Map02 - Small level with a central cortyard kind of thing.
Map03 - A good, small, really fast level. Has a neato invisible floor effect.
Map04 - I took out the other level for map 4, the new one is tight,
you better be careful with the rocket launcher on this one.
Map05 - *IMPROVED*Good sized level, has a underground hallway surrounding the south
half of it.
Map06 - *IMPROVED* Biggest level of the six, has a gothic type theme going,
two teleporters to get you to back to the center real quick.
Map07 - *NEW*A small, double courtyard, outside level. Very fast.
Map08 - *NEW*A very blue level. Not the fastest level but a lot of fun.
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Editor(s) used : DCK 3.6, DCK 2.2 and a little DETH
Known Bugs : There is a tiny HOM on level 4.
Build Time : 180+ hours
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may not distribute this level without this text file. You may
not alter this file or the wad file in any way.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
(Yes UrHash, look at the date of the spectre8.wad in the zip 11/26/97 23:59, Wednesday)