Text File
Title : The House of DOOM
Filename : HOUSE.WAD
Author : Jim Lanzel
Email Address : jjlonz@aol.com
Description : This WAD is based around a haunted apartment I used to live at.
The upstairs is a very close simulation of the actual layout
of the house.
Additional Credits to : Bill's Pumping Service
Midi: "Temple of the Bull" by Forensic Music (C)1995
SKY1 star texture from UAC_DEAD.
Various WAV's of unknown origin.
WAV clip from "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.
Thanx to Id Software for a great game!
Notes : This WAD was inspired by the many strange events that took place
at my old apartment. Strange footsteps, door handles turning, lights
turning themselves on and off, strange voices at night, and other
bizarre events would occur there. My brother even claimed to have
actually seen a spirit there one time. It was always joked that the
stairs to the lower section was a gateway to hell, so I created what
I imagined could possibly be down there. Hopefully, this level will
scare the s#!% out of you like it did me. I have since moved to a
different house.
* Play Information *
Doom version : The Ultimate DOOM v1.9
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : No, not yet anyway.
New Sounds : Yes
New Textures : Yes
New Sprites : No
New Music : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New level
Editor(s) used : DCK v3.0, Wintex v4.2, Neopaint v3.2a
Known Bugs : None known
* Copyright / Permissions *
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file