Text File
Eternal III Solution Demos
89 demos, from nomonsters versions to top speed versions and
careful complete demos in between. Total time to watch all
of them: 43 hours, 25 minutes and 45 seconds with no bathroom
breaks. Total unpacked size for all 89 files is almost
13MB, so be sure you have space. Zipped up they're "only"
1.8MB though, so it's not all that bad. Individual demos range
from 13 seconds to over an hour.
These demos are provided both for help in figuring out Eternal
DOOM III levels, and to showcase some astounding DOOM play.
They are easily run from the Eternal shell, or from the command line
with the -playdemo command line option. They are all made for
DOOM v1.9, but the shell will convert them during installation
to your installed DOOM version if different.
INSTALLATION: Unzip the demos package into the Eternal directory.
If you run Eternal from the command line and are running DOOM2 v1.9
or Final DOOM, this is all you need to do. If you want to use the
demos from the Eternal shell, use Alt-I (Install menu) in the shell
and select Demos. Press Enter on the blank prompt and all demos will
be installed to the shell, and converted in version where necessary.
Contact <info@teamtnt.com> with questions and comments.