Text File
Authors: Me, myself, and I. Just joking!!! Lightning!!! That's it!!
Basis: I just thought it up! Either that or I forgot an important detail!
WAD Name: Underwea.wad
Imagine this: You are in the very pits of hell, sweating
uncomfortably as you search the hallways for evil hell-spawn! Suddenly a
door opens up behind you and you gasp in terror as you see a menacing
Cyber-Demon towering over you!! Instead of screaming however, you laugh!!
The Cyber-Demon is wearing-weari-wearin-wea-wearing UNDERWEAR!!!!
Angrily it attacks you, rockets pounding into the walls behind you!
You take up the BFG and blast it to.... well... Hell! I guess!
Standing victorious, you watch silently in triumph as the underwear flutters
in the air, laying to rest on it's dead master.
Well, how does that sound? This funny patch makes the Cyber-Demon
wear underwear!!! Distribute this patch like.... well, I don't wanna
say crazy because everyone does. Let's say this, distribute in a wide
dispersal, mentally hyped, phsygosis type actions! On one condition!!!
Include this text file! If you do not, I will hunt you down, gather guns,
grenades, knives, axes, rocket launchers..... and sue you!
This text must be with the wad so I get at least a little appreciation
for my hard work and endless torture!!!
All this patch has is new graphics, however, my next version of UNDER will
have newer, even better graphics!!!
You can use this wad but you cannot use it as a basis for a similar
graphics type. that means that no one can use this as an idea for another
underwear wearing Cyber-Demon!
1. I thank all these people for making the utilities I used!
Creators of DEUSF, Thank You for creating DEUSF!!!!
Creators of NEWWADTOOL, Thanks for making a great utility!
Creators of Paint Shop Pro, Thanks a bundle!!!
Thanks, makers of PKUNZIP and PKZIp a great thing!
And finally, Thanks a whole, whole lot to the creators of DOOM II for
this magnificent game!
First, to use this wad, you must have DEUSF and pkunzip version 2.04.
After you get DEUSF, you need to unzip this file, which then you'll
have two files. Yeeeeahhh!!!!
Get DOOM II (This only works with DOOM II!), this wad (AND this text!),
and DEUSF in the same directory.
After unzipping everything, type the following:
After waiting a few boring minutes, you'll be all set!!!
To run TYPE:
Doom2 -file underwea.wad
And have fun.
Doom2 is a trademark of ID Software and the other utilities are a trademark
of a company. Sorry, guys, I don't know which! But you have my sincerest
If you like this wad, E-mail to me on America On-Line as Yeah4Yeh.
Do NOT send any money! I'll get busted! I you like this then E-mail me!
I am not leaving my address so I can prevent people from robbing me!
Please know me as Lightning!
This is not a product of ID software and isn't supported by them in any way!
Also, I will not take blame if this wad screws up your computer (sorry!)
By taking this wad into your possesion you are agreeing that i am free from
any blame and not liable for damage done to anything!
Happy Dooming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!