Text File
File name: 3shawn.wad (The Training Base)
Other levels by me: 1shawndm.wad (The Mining Complex)
2shawn.wad (The Power Plant)
4shawn.wad (The Military Testing Facility)
5shawn.wad (The Nuclear Waste Facility)
Date completed: October, 1995
To access: Type 'doom2 -file [file name]' when in doom2
eg c:\games\doom2>doom2 -file 2shawn.wad
Creator: Shawn Watson
Email: shawn_watson@hotmail.com
Address: In Adelaide but always changing.
Misc. Author Info: A deathmatch addict. A time consuming
perfectionist. Favourite level is from Doom I,
episode I, level 7,"The Computer Station".
Architecture student.
Additional credits: Thankyou to level testers Richard Melville (Stud),
Richard Wojnar (Wedge), Peter Dawson (Smokey),
James Watson (Bro), and Tim Walker (Tim Walker) for
level testing and demo making. Also thanks to
Matt Tagliaferri for a great DEU and of course thanks
to Id Software.
Play Information for All Levels
Level: All levels map 01.
Single Player: Yes (3shawn designed for DM only).
Cooperative 2-4 players: Yes
Deatmatch 2-4 players: Yes
Difficulty Settings: Yes
New Sounds: No
New Graphics: No
New Music: No
Demos: Yes-Doom2 V1.666
3shawn4.lmp - four of us deathmatching.
To see demos: type "doom2 -playdemo [demos name] -file [file name]" when
in doom2 directory.
eg c:\games\doom2>doom2 -playdemo 2shawn3 -file 2shawn.wad
note: both the wad file and the lmp file must be in your
doom2 directory.
F12 to change views in multiplayer demos.
The Training Base (3shawn.wad)
The story: Story? What story! This is a deathmatch level
you lamebrain. Mano a mano, kill or be killed,
that sought of thing...all right, for you
die hard story lovers this is the training
base for crack soldiers of the secret
organistion STIPS (ref. 2shawn). End of
Description: A deathmatch level.
DEU Used: DoomCAD v5.1 by Matt Tagliaferri.
Base: all levels from scratch.
Known Bugs: none.
Authors may use these levels as a base to build additional levels,
but please mention they were built from 1shawn.wad, 1shawndm.wad
2shawn.wad, 3shawn.wad, 4shawn.wad or 5shawn.wad, depending on the
one you use. You may distribute these WADs provided you include this
file with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any
electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD etc.) as long as you include this
file intact.